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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 11, 2022

Why Da Nang is a Place for Setting up Business

Da Nang has been creating flexible policies, good environments attracting foreign investors setting up company, building factory, and developing service business.

Da Nang is a social and economic center of central area of Vietnam with the role as the center of industry, trade and tourism and service. It is a seaport city, an important transport hub for the transit of domestic and international transportation. Presently, Da Nang has been rising as a comprehensive and sustainability developing city.

With the advantages of geographical location, people and nature, the leader of Da Nang is planning to build the city becoming a major tourist center of the country, developing tourism industry with entertainment centers and luxury resorts in Vietnam.

In practice, Da Nang has been reducing administrative procedures, creating favorable conditions for investors in obtaining certificate for investment. In the meantime, the city also supports investors understanding the information and maintaining direct dialogue mode with businesses leaders and managers in order to promptly assist any difficulties encountered by investors in the process of project implementation. Da Nang’s leaders are famous in being proactive in providing the latest information about the law in investment, especially information on the process of changing investment certificate… to facilitate the investment plan of the investors whom are investing in Da Nang. For investment projects in infrastructure construction using ODA capital, the city has been quickly implemented the clearance and compensation in time to hand over the project site to the investors as planned.

To ensure the tourism environment and sustainable development, the city focuses on attracting projects in high technology industry, supporting industry and services with high added value i.e. information technology, education, healthcare and logistics…, especially favouring clean and quality projects rather than large projects but are likely to cause environmental issues.

Along with economic development, Da Nang also has activities and measures for environmental protection by investing in building projects to protect and improve the environment such as: modernization the sewer and wastewater treatment system (JICA), building east-west economic corridor (ADB)… to ensure sustainable and long term development of the economy.

An important element for economic development is the local security. Da Nang has done a great job in maintaining public security in order to guarantee investors a stable and safe political, social environment for investors.

It can be seen that Da Nang converges suitable elements and really is a promising land for investors both domestic and international, to invest in entertainment, real estate, tourism, IT, healthcare, education services.

With highly professional staff and great experience in business in Vietnam, ANT Lawyers would like to support you to establish company in Vietnam.

ANT Lawyers – A law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529. 

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 11, 2022

Conditions for Foreigners When Buying Houses in Vietnam

With open-door policies and a stable socio-economic situation, Vietnam is one of the countries with great attraction to foreign investors. There are many foreign individuals and organizations come to Vietnam to live and work and a number of foreigners or foreign organizations wish to buy houses or apartments. Many real estate developers also wish to expand the customers base through selling houses and apartments to foreigners in Vietnam.

Real Estate Dispute Law Firm in Vietnam

However, according to current law, foreigners or foreign organizations can buy houses and apartment in Vietnam; and real estate developers could sell houses and apartments in Vietnam but must meet some conditions.

First of all, to be able to buy a house in Vietnam, foreign individuals and organizations must be one of the subjects that can own houses in Vietnam. Specifically, foreign organizations and individuals that are allowed to own houses in Vietnam include: (i) foreign organizations and individuals investing in housing construction under projects in Vietnam; (ii) foreign-invested enterprises, branches, representative offices of foreign enterprises, foreign investment funds and foreign bank branches operating in Vietnam; (iii) foreigners whom are allowed to enter Vietnam. Accordingly, to be able to buy a house in Vietnam, these subjects must prove that they fully meet the conditions prescribed by law.

Specifically, foreign organizations and individuals investing in housing construction under projects in Vietnam must have an Investment Certificate and have houses built in the project according to regulations. For foreign organizations, they must set up company in Vietnam, have an investment certificate or a document related to being allowed to operate in Vietnam, issued by a competent Vietnamese state agency. Foreign individuals must be subject to permission to enter Vietnam and not be entitled to diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities.

Besides, depending on each different object, the documents proving the object and conditions for owning a house in Vietnam vary. For a foreign individual, s/he must have a valid passport with an entry verification stamp of the exit and entry management agency of Vietnam and not be eligible for special privileges and immunities. On the other hand, for foreign organizations, they must be eligible to own houses and have an Investment Registration Certificate or a document authorized by a competent Vietnamese agency to operate in Vietnam. In addition, these individuals and organizations should note that these documents must be valid at the time of signing the housing transactions.

Therefore, if organizations and individuals meet the above conditions, foreign individuals and organizations can purchase houses in Vietnam. However, it should be noted that foreign individuals can only own houses in Vietnam in the form of apartments or separate houses in an investment project to build commercial housing.

In addition, foreigners are also not allowed to purchase houses in areas that are subject of national defense and security under Vietnamese law. Further, foreign organizations and individuals are also limited in the number of ownership. Accordingly, foreign organizations and individuals are only allowed to own no more than 30% of the total number of apartments in an apartment building, and no more than 10% for an individual housing project of less than 2,500 units.

In general, purchasing houses for foreign individuals and organizations are subject to complicated legal conditions. Therefore, in order to ensure that the purchase of housing in Vietnam is in accordance with the regulations and to limit the risks arising, relevant individuals and organizations need to learn and seek legal advice and support from real estate dispute law firm in Vietnam   

Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 11, 2022

Set up Business in Phu Quoc

 Why Investors Should Set up Business in Phu Quoc?

The improvement in infrastructure system along with the preferential policies have stimulated investors to come to set up business in Phu Quoc and do company.

Phu Quoc, an island in Kien Giang of Vietnam is in the top of three islands having tourism potential in Southeast Asia comparable to Phuket in Thailand and Bali in Indonesia. Phu Quoc has become a magnet for attracting huge investment flows from foreign investors in the area of real estate, entertainment, casinos, restaurant or food and beverage service business.

Phu Quoc has temperate weather throughout the year. There are also fresh and friendly forest – sea ecology and the modern transport system on the island with international airport and international hospital. Moreover, many infrastructure projects and international schools are under construction, which are necessary and favorable conditions to invite and attract investors to the Pearl Island for doing business.

Capital inflows to Phu Quoc have really exploded after the “knots” in investment were removed. The new airport went into operation that can welcome larger aircraft and serve more flights, in which there are more international direct flights from China, Singapore, Russia and Cambodia. The 51km long radial route on the island has been basically completed; the road around the island and the branch roads are also being deployed. The power grid was pulled from the mainland to the island, replacing the very high cost gasoline power in the past.

The real estate and tourism consultants all agree that Phu Quoc fully convergent elements of an attractive beach for tourist with year-round sunshine, many beautiful beaches such as Long Beach, Truong Beach, Khem Beach and immense virgin forest. Moreover, Phu Quoc has a strategic location with just 1-2 hours flight to the key tourism markets in Southeast Asia.

Both investment and tourism in Phu Quoc have entered the acceleration phase. By the end of July 2015, Phu Quoc has attracted nearly 200 investment projects, including 136 projects that are being implemented in the area of over 5,100 ha with total registered capitals of 6.5 billion USD. Just one part of those projects become reality then it will make Phu Quoc to become a leading tourist destination in Vietnam, ahead of Da Nang and Nha Trang, competing with the top destinations in the area as Phuket and Bali.

Some of the largest Vietnam corporations such as Vingroup, Sun Group, CEO Group, BIM Group are implementing the huge projects that could alter the appearance of the island. In which the giant in real estate sector – Vingroup has invested projects as: Vinpearl Resort on an area of 300 ha in Long Beach, the combining of golf course and safari zoo on an area of more than 2,000 ha, and the 80 ha commercial complex.

The improvement in infrastructure system along with the preferential business and legal environments i.e. favourable land rental rates, corporate income tax, exemption of visa for foreign tourists make Phu Quoc island of Kien Giang, Vietnam a new attractive place for investment.

ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam could offer service to set-up company in Vietnam. We assist clients needing legal service in obtaining investment certificate, business registration certificate, or other  licensing procedures. 

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 11, 2022

7 basic steps to set up a business and comply with Vietnam laws

7 basic steps to set up a business and comply with Vietnam laws

Vietnam’s economy is increasingly diversified in terms of business activities and business regulations are also constantly being improved and enhanced. Accordingly, foreign investors can freely choose the right type of business. Therefore, the set up company in Vietnam is always a matter of great interest to foreign investors whom find business opportunities in Vietnam.

The first step is to set up a business in Vietnam

To take this step, the investor first needs to determine the type of business to choose to establish and provide the business name and expected information. Accordingly, the composition of the enterprise establishment dossier will be prepared according to regulations and submitted at the Business Registration Office, the Department of Planning and Investment of the place where it is expected to be headquartered. After submitting a valid application, the enterprise will be granted an enterprise registration certificate and announced the registration contents on the National Business Registration Portal.

The second step is to publish the contents of business registration

After being granted an enterprise registration certificate, an enterprise must make a public announcement on the National Business Registration Portal.

In the third step, the enterprise conducts stamp engraving

Enterprises can request to make a seal from the seal making agent. Accordingly, the enterprise actively decides on the type, quantity, form and content of the seal and is solely responsible for the use of its legal entity seal.

Fourth step is that to open a bank account in Vietnam

Currently, businesses can choose a bank to open an account for their business, to open an account, the bank requires an application form issued by the bank, a seal sample, the company’s charter, and a certificate. Business registration and related documents are required by different bank.

The fifth step is to register the tax declaration form in Vietnam.

Accordingly, enterprises register for the use of e-invoices and notify the use of e-invoices to their tax authorities. Enterprises need to contact the invoice supplier to order the printing of value-added invoice books and must register self-printed invoices with tax authorities.

In the sixth step, the enterprise needs to conduct labor registration in Vietnam. Enterprises register with the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to declare the use of labor. Within 30 days from the date of commencement of operation, the employer must register the employer to the Labor Department (according to the prescribed form). In addition, enterprises should note that the relationship between the employer and the employee is regulated by the Labor Code and specified in the labor contract.

Seventh step is to register for social insurance in Vietnam.

Enterprises register with the Social Insurance Agency to pay health insurance and social insurance for employees. Employers must fill in all information according to the form provided by social insurance, including: full name, date of birth, salary (recorded in labor contract), number of social insurance book (for employees who have been issued with a book), a certified copy of the company’s business registration certificate and a copy of each labor contract.

It can be seen that setting up a business requires businesses to carry out a lot of procedures and comply with many different regulations of tax, banking, labor, insurance… Therefore, besides learning about legal regulations and businesses can seek the support of professional consulting firm in Vietnam with expertise and experience in the field of business establishment to implement the process quickly and effectively.

Finding the right business partner in Vietnam is also important. We recommend doing research on the reputation of the company and individual shareholders, corporate or individual, gathering publicly available company information, and performing background checks on key personnel to find potential risks in cooperation. Working with a reliable partner can help achieve economic benefits, saving time and money in business.

ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam could offer service to establish company in Vietnam. We assist clients needing legal service in obtaining investment certificate, business registration certificate, or other  licensing procedures.   

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 11, 2022

Set up Joint Stock Company in Vietnam

Set up Joint Stock Company in Vietnam

Joint Stock Company is an enterprise which has charter capital divided into equal portions called shares. The minimum number of shareholders shall be three and there shall be no restriction on the maximum number.

Shareholders shall be liable for the debts and other property obligations of the enterprise only within the amount of capital contributed to the enterprise.

Joint Stock Companies may issue all types of securities to raise funds. Founding shareholders must together register to subscribe at least twenty per cent (20%) of the number of ordinary shares which may be offered for sale.

The main difference between Joint Stock Company and Limited Liability Company is the Joint Stock Company can raise funds by offering shares or securities.  In addition, an enterprise tends to join the Stock exchanges or public company must be a Joint Stock Company. Management system of Joint Stock Company is more complicated than Liability Company.

ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam could offer service to set up joint stock company in Vietnam. We assist clients needing legal service in obtaining investment certificate, business registration certificate, or other  licensing procedures. 

Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 11, 2022

The Development of Renewable Energy in Vietnam

The Development of Renewable Energy in Vietnam

On June 15th, 2020, at the National Assembly’s socio-economic discussion session, the Ministry of Industry and Trade clarified a number of issues related to the implementation of power projects and energy security in Vietnam amid the the situation of energy supply, especially electricity supply is facing many difficulties when hydroelectric and thermal power reserves are almost fully exploited and the risk of energy import is increasing.

Vietnam has the advantage of being an equatorial country, with high annual sunshine hours (average from 1800-2600 hours/year) which is an advantage to develop solar energy. Vietnam has a long coastline (3260 km) and favorable terrain, the construction of wind power stations is a solution that can help improve Vietnam’s electricity output in the next years.

As reported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, for solar power, the total planned capacity of about 10,300 MW has been operated on 90 solar power projects with a total capacity of about 5,000 MW. For wind power, as proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Prime Minister has agreed to supplement the planning of an additional 7,000 MW of wind power, raising the total scale of wind power capacity planned to 11,630 MW.

In addition, according to Vietnam’s commitment at COP21, Vietnam will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 8% by 2030. And with effective support from the international community, Vietnam can cut its emissions by 25% greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. And the Clean energy technology is one of the best solutions to fulfill this commitment.

In addition, the installation, operation and maintenance of wind and solar power systems are relatively simple, at low cost therefore will save time and cost for investors. Besides, clean energy does not cause impacts on large-scale migration environment, such as deforestation, emissions of dust, water and ash, etc. In contrast, it also creates beautiful and majestic landscapes, and attractive to visitors, this is in line with Vietnam’s sustainable development goals in the future.

With economic and environmental advantages, the scientists forecast that, in the world to 2040 and 2050, the percentage of solar power capacity in total generating capacity will be 45% and 50 %; The structure of electricity production by 2050 is as follows: Number 1 is solar power: 35.8%; followed by onshore wind power: 24.3%; Offshore wind power: 12.1%; Hydroelectricity: 12.4% and the rest are other sources of renewable energy and fossils and nuclear: 15.4%.

In order to ensure the implementation of the overall plan for the coming time, the Ministry of Industry and Trade is focusing on speeding up the construction of the electricity Planning No. VIII to submit to the Government in the fourth quarter of 2020. In particular, following the contents of the Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW of the Politburo on “Vietnam’s national energy development strategy orientation to 2030, vision to 2045” on February 11th, 2020, according to which ratio of sources of renewable energy in the total primary energy supply will reach about 15-20% by 2030; 25-30% by 2045.

According to Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW, Vietnam will develop breakthrough mechanisms and policies to encourage and promote the renewable energy sources in order to replace fossil energy sources at maximum. Prioritizing the use of wind and solar energy for electricity generation; encourage investment in building power plants using urban waste, biomass and solid waste in parallel with environmental protection and economic development of the circulation. To establish and develop a number of renewable energy centers in advantageous regions and localities. Then researching and assessing the overall potential and developing development orientations for geothermal energy, ocean waves, tides and ocean currents; deploy a number of application models, conduct pilot tests to evaluate the effectiveness. To undertake technological research, formulate a number of production pilot projects and encourage the use of hydrogen energy in line with the general trend of the world. In addition, the Resolution prioritizes the development of renewable energy in line with the ability to ensure system safety with reasonable electricity costs and encourage the development of rooftop and surface solar power. To develop groundbreaking support policies and mechanisms for offshore wind power development in association with the implementation of the Vietnam’s Sea Strategy.

With advantages and priority policies for renewable energy development as above, Vietnam hopes that more international investors will invest and set up company in Viet Nam in renewable energy.  

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 11, 2022

Network security services – Cybersecurity solutions in the new situation

Network security services – Cybersecurity solutions in the new situation

Information technology is existing in almost all areas of life, contributing to increasing work efficiency, saving time and costs. Besides these advantages, users also face many risks from loss, leakage of personal data, and organizational information and invasion of privacy when accessing the network. Therefore, network security service has becoming a necessary solution. Accordingly, Vietnam Ministry of Public Security proposed to consider cybersecurity protection services as business lines which are subject to conditions in the Vietnam Investment Law.

According to statistics in 2021, the Ministry of Public Security has recorded and analyzed nearly eight million warnings related to cyberattack activities, thereby detecting and verifying 2,763 cyberattacks targeting portal sites in the country (up 26% compared to 2020). In addition, cyberattacks tend to increase, causing political influence and greater economic losses. In addition, the situation of illegally collecting and infiltrating information and data of organizations and individuals for illegal purpose are increasingly complicated. The participation of network security services will contribute to strengthening the protection of the network security environment, especially important economic organizations such as banks, securities, state agencies, which are organizations that have vital role of the country.

On the other hand, the development of network security services is in line with the development policy of the country. Specifically, in Resolution No. 30 of the Politburo on the National Cybersecurity Strategy, the ultimate goal has been determined to reduce the risk of national security and social order and safety being compromised. Moreover, the Government has also issued Resolution No. 22 on the action plan to ensure national cybersecurity. Accordingly, the Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility for formulating a Decree stipulating conditions for trading in cybersecurity products and services. Therefore, making network security services a business line is consistent with the current context and development orientation.

In addition, approving network security services will guide specific regulations and conditions for businesses. Businesses and organizations and individuals providing cybersecurity products and services will need to actively comply with regulations. The business conditions for network security services will ensure that network security products and services to be provided by reputable and capable service providers. Accordingly, improving policies and laws and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of information, communication and network security will be a solid basis for cybersecurity services to demonstrate their functions and roles its important role in the overall development of the country.

Moreover, developing quality and effective cybersecurity services will create more opportunities and attract more foreign investors to participate in the Vietnam market. Most business activities now have involved the Internet connection, and therefore the risks such as information security and data security will be an issue of concern to investors making investment, setting up company in Vietnam. If network security services that support risk reduction and data recovery to help run business well, it will create confidence and motivation for investors.

The Ministry of Public Security expects network security products and services to include: (i) Confidential products to collect information (devices where hardware and software have the function of collecting information, documents, and data) via cyber – spyware; (ii) Security control products for network traffic (in which specialized hardware and software equipment for competent state agencies are designed with specific features to protect targets, systems, etc.) information system to warn, detect and prevent cyber security violations; (iii) Network security monitoring services, network security testing, knowledge training, network consulting, standards assessment. These are services and products that have practical applications and are capable of meeting the needs of individuals and organizations using cyberspace.

Therefore, although cybersecurity services have not yet been officially approved, in the current context, network security services will be an effective solution to work with the Government to build a digital environment and develop digital technology secure and sustainable information technology in line with the speed of global development. It is expected that when cyber security services are specified, it will promote a healthy, safe and effective cyber environment and hence promote the business and investment in Vietnam.

ANT Lawyers is a network security law firm in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529.   

Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 11, 2022

How to Set Up Company in Hanoi?

How to Set Up Company in Hanoi?

The Law on investment 2021 has a lot of investment incentive policies in economic sectors in Vietnam for foreign investors.

Foreign investors that invest in Vietnam in general and Hanoi in particular for the first time must have investment projects and fill in investment registration or examination procedures at state agencies in charge of investment in order to be granted Investment Registration Certificates (“IRC”) and Enterprise Registration Certificate (“ERC”). Company with 100% foreign capital has founded and operated from the date of issuance of the investment certificate.

The investor who wishes to apply for IRC in Hanoi, s/he need to have a possible project which is accepted by the Government (The Department of Planning and Investment of Hanoi City). The dossier on applying for IRC

For Investment Registration Certificate, the investor must prepare the dossier included:

i) An application form for execution of the investment project, including a commitment to incur all costs and risks if the project is not approved;

ii) A document about the investor’s legal status;

iii) Document(s) proving the financial capacity of the investor including at least one of the following documents: the investor’s financial statements for the last two years; commitment of a parent company to provide financial support; commitment of a financial institution to provide financial support; guarantee for the investor’s financial capacity; other document proving the investor’s financial capacity;

iv) Proposal for the investment project including the following main contents: investor or method of investor selection, investment objectives, investment scale, investment capital and plan for raising capital, location, duration and schedule of the investment project, information about the current use of land in the location of the project and proposed demand for land use (if any), demand for labor, proposal for investment incentives, impact and socio – economic efficiency of the project and preliminary assessment of environmental impact (if any) in accordance with regulations of law on environmental protection.

If the law on construction requires formulation of a pre-feasibility study report, the investor is entitled to submit the pre-feasibility study report instead of a proposal for the investment project.

v) If the project does not require the State to allocate or lease out land or to permit land repurposing, a copy of the document regarding the land use rights or other document identifying the right to use the location for execution of the investment project is required to be submitted;

vi) Contents of the explanation for the technology to be used in the investment project if the project requires appraisal and collection of opinions on the technology in accordance with the Law on Technology Transfer;

vii) The business cooperation contract if the investment project is executed under a business cooperation contract;

viii) Other documents relating to the investment project, and requirements on the eligibility and capacity of the investor in accordance with regulations of law (if any).

After having the project, the investor needs to apply for Business Registration Certificate, the dossier included:

i) An application for enterprise registration;

ii) The enterprise’s charter;

iii) A list of members of a limited liability company with two or more members or a list of general partners;

iv) A notarized copy of identity card or valid passport of individual member;

v) A notarized copy of the Business Registration Certificate of the organization’s member;

vi) A notarized copy of valid identity card or passport of the organization’s legal representative;

vii) The copy of Investment Registration Certificate.

The time for applying the investment project is 15 working days and the time for applying the company is 03 working days after the date of submitting the valid dossier.

ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam could offer service to set-up company in Vietnam. We assist clients needing legal service in obtaining investment certificate, business registration certificate, or other  licensing procedures.