ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 6, 2021

How to protect Industrial Design in Vietnam

Before a new design is launched, or sold in a new country, client company needs to ensure the Intellectual Property protection of industrial design in Vietnam.

ANT Lawyers IP Practice offers industrial design services as following:

- Look-up, assess and consult possibilities to register industrial design in Vietnam and abroad;

-Represent clients in applying for certificates of industrial design, record modification, extend degree of industrial protection in Vietnam and abroad;

-Evaluate the effectiveness of the certificate of industrial design registration and the possibility of industrial design rights violation;

-Implement of the protected industrial design rights: investigate, monitor, negotiate, seek arbitration or initiate a lawsuit or request other competent agencies for handling of infringement in Vietnam and abroad;

-Negotiate, draft, evaluate and register the of changing industrial design ownership in Vietnam and abroad;

-Advise on building strategies, brand development;

If you are looking for an experience Industrial design attorney in Vietnam to help you with your Industrial design matters, you should visit Our attorneys have experience with the IP process and will work closely with you as you apply for your IP.


Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 6, 2021

How to Determine Interest Rate for Late Payment Obligations in Commercial Transaction?

The most important obligation of the parties to a commercial contract is to deliver or provide services and pay in full and on time as agreed. However, in reality, there are times that one party or the parties fail to perform their payment obligations, causing damages to the other party. In particular, in the case of a breach of the payment obligation, the aggrieved party may request the person having caused damage to pay late payment obligations interest.  Potential dispute on this matter might arise between parties.


How to Determine Interest Rate for Late Payment Obligations in Commercial Transaction?

Article 306 of the Commercial Law 2005 provides for the application of the interest rate due to the delay of payment as follows: Where a contract-breaching party delays making payment for goods or payment of service charges and other reasonable fees, the aggrieved party may claim an interest on such delayed payment at the average interest rate applicable to overdue debts in the market at the time of payment for the delayed period, unless otherwise agreed or provided for by law.

The interest rate for late payment of obligations in commercial business is applied according to the average interest rate on overdue debts in the market at the time of payment corresponding to the late payment period, unless otherwise agreed or otherwise provided by law.

However, the Commercial Law 2005 at that time did not have a specific regulation on the average interest rate of overdue debts on the market. The Resolution No. 01/2019/NQ-HDTP has detailed instructions on this interest rate. When determining the interest on late payments, the Court shall determine the interest rate on late payments on the basis of average interest rates on overdue debts announced by at least 03 (three) commercial banks (such as Vietcombank, VietinBank, Agribank, etc.) whose headquarters, branch or transaction office is located in the same province or central-affiliated city where the headquarters of the Court in charge of the case is located at the payment date (the date of first-instance trial), except otherwise agreed upon by the parties or regulated by laws.

In case of late payment liabilities defined in a contract which includes the parties’ agreement on interest payment, the judgment debtor is liable to pay interest on the outstanding judgment debt at the agreed interest rate which must be conformable with applicable laws; if the agreed interest rate is not available, the Court shall decide application of the interest rate prescribed in Clause 2 Article 468 of the 2015 Civil Code. In case interests are charged on amounts payable to the state budget as regulated by laws, the judgment debtor is liable to pay an interest on the judgment debt arrears calculated at the interest rate prescribed in Article 357 or Article 468 of the 2015 Civil Code, unless otherwise prescribed by laws.

In order to protect the best interest of parties, it is important to consult with dispute lawyers in Vietnam for advice.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients.


Dispute Law Firm in Hanoi

ANT Lawyers, the dispute law firm in Hanoi is located in the business center that provides convenient access to our clients. 


                                                                     Dispute lawyers in Hanoi

ANT Lawyers works with corporate and individual clients from across the sectors and offers a true spectrum of legal expertise, both contentious and non-contentious. The range of our experience enables us to advise on various matters from the precedent-setting to the purely procedural.

The common thread in everything we do is our ability to combine both commercial and legal perspectives.  This means our clients can rest assured that, whatever the case or transaction, our lawyers have the experience to deliver legal advice and service that works in a commercial context.

Our dispute resolution practice at ANT Lawyers helps our clients with the following:

Negotiation: reviewing relevant contracts and documents, advising possible courses of action and negotiating with relevant parties before initiating the legal proceeding.

Litigation and legal representation: representing clients before Vietnamese courts and other Vietnamese authorities.

Arbitration: advising on choice of arbitration, drafting arbitration clause, and representing clients for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.

Alternative proceedings: certain alternatives may be available for dispute resolution in Vietnam.

Please contact us to book your time in advanced to let us provide our best service.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients.


Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 6, 2021

Dispute Law Firm in Da Nang

ANT Lawyers offers clients legal services from Da Nang office.


Dispute Law firm in Da Nang

The office is represented by lawyers whom are local of Hoi An covering Da Nang, Hoi An, Hue and other central provinces.

Dispute Lawyers in Da Nang focus on important business and legal issues related to real estate, foreign investment, setting up company and other business structures, M&A, contract and other corporate legal works.

Together with law offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the law office in Da Nang with coverage of Hoi An, Hue and other central provinces strengthens the nationwide coverage of ANT Lawyers, serving clients better in legal services in Vietnam.

Our dispute resolution practice at ANT Lawyers helps our clients with the following:

Negotiation: reviewing relevant contracts and documents, advising possible courses of action and negotiating with relevant parties before initiating the legal proceeding.

Litigation and legal representation: representing clients before Vietnamese courts and other Vietnamese authorities.

Arbitration: advising on choice of arbitration, drafting arbitration clause, and representing clients for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.

Alternative proceedings: certain alternatives may be available for dispute resolution in Vietnam.

Please contact us to book your time in advance to let us provide our best service.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients


Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 6, 2021

How Dispute Settlement Mechanism of ASEAN Work?

As economic cooperation has expanded, having an effective mechanism to resolve disputes arising between member countries has become an essential need. Therefore, since 1996, ASEAN has started drafting a Protocol on Dispute Settlement Mechanism, and this Protocol was signed by ASEAN Economic Ministers on November 20, 1996 in Manila (Philippines).


The dispute settlement mechanism of ASEAN is built on the spirit of negotiation and mediation. At any time, Member States which are parties to the dispute have the right to choose forms of mediation. These forms may begin or end at any time. Only when the procedure for mediation  has ended, the complainant proceeded to bring the matter to the Senior Economic Officials Meeting of ASEAN (SEOM). While the dispute is in progress, if the parties to the dispute agree, mediation procedures will continue to apply.

SEOM will set up a panel or, if possible, refer the matter to the special rules and procedures team or additional for review. However, in specific cases, if deemed necessary, SEOM may decide to resolve the dispute amicably without having to appoint a panel.

SEOM will review the panel report during its discussion and give a decision to the dispute within thirty (30) days from the date the panel submitted the report. In exceptional cases, SEOM may have an additional ten (10) days in adjudicating a dispute. SEOM representatives of Member States who are parties to the dispute may be present If the consultation does not resolve the dispute within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the request, the matter will be referred to SEOM. during the discussion but may not participate in judgments of SEOM. SEOM will adjudge on a majority basis.

Member States that are parties to the dispute may appeal the judgments of SEOM to the ASEAN Economic Ministers (“AEM”) within thirty (30) days. AEM must make a decision within thirty (30) days of the appeal. In exceptional cases, AEM may have an additional ten (10) days to make a decision on dispute resolution.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients. 



How Does Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO Work?

The dispute settlement mechanism of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is a succession of the dispute settlement rules that has been effective for nearly 50 years in the history of GATT 1947. The basic objective of this dispute resolution mechanism is to achieve a positive solution to the dispute. Vietnam is member of WTO therefore it could refer to dispute settlement mechanism of WTO in dispute against other country member.


Dispute law firm in Ho Chi Minh City

When a dispute arises at the WTO, the parties will first conduct consultations to come up with a mutually agreed solution to resolve the case (Consultation – the stage of mediation), as  usual in each case there is the participation of third parties (who are members of significant interest and desire to participate in the dispute resolution process), if they feel a significant interest in the case and should be considered by the panel. In the case of an unsuccessful inquiry, a panel of 3 to 5 members will be established and tasked with examining a particular issue in dispute on the basis of WTO rules cited by the claimant’s country.

After the establishment of a panel to review the complaint, the first thing that the panel needs to do is to set a timetable for its proceedings (Article 12.3 of the DSU). The panel procedure usually covers the contents set forth in Article 12 and Annex 3 of the DSU, including certain flexibility to ensure the quality of the report without delaying the proceedings. Setting a timetable helps the parties understand the contents and deadlines for each dispute, helping them be more proactive in presenting evidence, bases and arguments in their submitted documents.

After the hearings take place, the panel will enter the internal discussion phase (deliberation), to review the assessment of relevant legal, practical issues in accordance with the provisions of the WTO, the deliberation must be kept secret. These reports were drafted without the presence of the parties to the dispute, but only according to the content of the information provided and the comments made earlier. Individual opinions of jurors presented in a panel report shall not include the names of speakers of such opinions.

After the final report will be sent to the parties to the dispute within 2 weeks after the panel has concluded the mid-term review. Normally, every report of the panel has very large content, to facilitate the study of review by the appellate body and to quote case law, the report must show the table of contents and paragraphs which are separate numbered in the order of the report. If there is no appeal, the dispute resolution process will immediately go to the implementation stage after the DSB adopts a panel report. If there is an appeal, the case will be reviewed at the Appellate level.

It is important for Vietnam as member of WTO to be aware of the dispute settlement mechanism and fully prepared when having dispute against other country members in international trade dispute matters.


ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients.