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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 4, 2021

How to Terminate the Employment Contracts Due to Economic Reasons

Termination of a labor contract is an event that terminates the employment relationship between the employee and the employer. In particular, there are many cases of termination of labor contracts such as the labor contract expires, the work stated in the labor contract has been completed, both parties agree to terminate the labor contract, the employer lays off the employee due to structural or technological changes or because of economic reasons, merger, consolidation or division of the enterprise or cooperative,…


In case more than one employee face the risk of unemployment for economic reasons, the employer shall propose and implement a labor utilization plan in accordance with labour code. Specifically, the labor utilization plan must contain the following main contents: list and number of employees who continue to be employed, employees sent for re-training to continue using; list and number of retired employees; list and number of employees transferred to work part-time; employees must terminate labor contracts and measures and financial sources to ensure the implementation of the plan.

In case the employer cannot employ and have to dismiss employees, the employer shall pay job-loss allowances to the employees. Accordingly, the employer shall pay a job-loss allowance to an employee who loses his/her job and has worked regularly for the employer for 12 months or longer. The job-loss allowance is equal to 1 month’s wage for each working year, but must not be lower than 2 months’ wage.

The working period used for the calculation of job-loss allowance is the total time during which the employee actually works for the employer minus the time during which the employee benefits from unemployment insurance in accordance with the Law of Social Insurance and the working period for which the employer has paid a severance allowance to the employee. The wage used for the calculation of job-loss allowance is the average wage in accordance with the labor contract during 6 months preceding the time the employee loses his/her job.

The dismissal of more than one employee in accordance with this regulation may be implemented only after discussion with the representative organization of the grassroots-level employees’ collective and notification 30 days in advance to the provincial-level state management agency of labor.

It is important for the employer to consult with dispute lawyers specializing in labour matters for the avoidance of potential dispute with the employee, and cause negative social impact when deciding to terminate contract due to economic reasons.

ANT Lawyers in a law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients. For advice or services request, please contact us via email

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 4, 2021

Transport market in Vietnam – Investment opportunities for foreign investors

Currently, Vietnam is considered to have a stable economy and politics, and is gradually becoming an investment destination for many investors in the world. In addition, with the goal of becoming a part of the global supply chain, the transport market in Vietnam is in strong demand to meet the demand for freight transportation of businesses.


Law firm in Vietnam

As a country with bordering the sea, Vietnam is considered a trading place of Southeast Asia, Asian countries and other countries in the world. The modes of transport include: road, rail, water, air, and pipeline. According to the Strategy of the Government, until 2030, transport enterprises in Vietnam will be developed with the orientation of applying an advanced management model, high business efficiency, competitiveness, and ownership of the domestic transport market, occupying the role of plays an important role in the transport of goods import and export, step by step reaching out to invest and business effectively in the international transport market, the details as follow:

-To complete the restructuring of state-owned transport enterprises in the direction of accelerating the equitization, reducing the number and proportion of state ownership in transport enterprises, except for the case in transportation business units to ensure national security and social security.

-To separate the business of railway infrastructure from the transport business into independent enterprises, urgently equitizing the transport enterprises and providing railway transport support services.

-To establish a number of large-scale multimodal transport enterprises, capable of carrying out complete transport chains by road – rail – sea or road – waterway – sea, road – airline; strengthen connection of transport services between modes through the connection of service distribution, especially giving priority to the development of the intermodal ticket sale model between modes of passenger transport.

Regarding the implementation of investment in the transport sector for foreign investors, according to the provisions of the WTO and EVFTA services, foreign shipping companies can establish 100% foreign- capital enterprises. Foreign-invested enterprises are allowed to carry out activities including: (i) Marketing and sales maritime transport services through direct contact with customers, from quotation to invoicing; (ii) Acting on behalf of the cargo owners; (iii) Provision of required business information; (iv) Preparation of documentation concerning transport documents including customs documents, or other documents related to the origin and character of the goods transported; and (v) Provision of maritime transport services including cabotage services by Vietnamese flagged vessels for the supply of integrated transport services; (vi) Acting on behalf of the company, organizing the call of the ship or taking over cargoes when required; (vii) Negotiate and sign contracts for road, rail, inland waterways transportation related to cargoes transported by the company.

With the strategy of developing and opening up to attract foreign investors, Vietnam hopes to have more international transport investors to invest, set up company, apply for investment registration certificate for conducting business, to not only develop the transport market in Vietnam, but also bring economic benefits to international investors.

Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 4, 2021

Questionnaire in Anti-dumping Measures on Welding Materials From China, Thailand and Malaysia (AD15)

On March 18th, 2021, Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision no. 947/QD-BCT on conducting an investigation to apply anti-dumping measure on some some types of welding materials with HS code 7217.10.10; 7217.30.19; 7217.90.10; 7229.20.00; 7229.90.20; 7229.90.99; 8311.10.10; 8311.10.90; 8311.30.91; 8311.30.99; 8311.90.00 originating from People’s Republic of China (China), Kingdom of Thailand (Thailand) and Malaysia (Product under investigation) (code AD15).


In AD15 case, Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam (Investigating Authority) has sent questionnaire on quality and value to all foreign manufacturing/exporting enterprises which Investigating Authority knows in order for them to answer investigating questionnaire. The deadline for answering the questionnaire is before 5pm of April 19th 2021 (Hanoi time).

Content of this Questionnaire includes:

General information: Company details; Legal representative

Product under investigation: Scope of the investigation; Description of product under investigation

Information of quantity and value: Production and business activities of company in regard to product under investigation; Affiliate companies; Production capacity and total volume of product under investigation of the company and its affiliates during the POI period; Total sales volume and total value of sales revenue from the Company’s product under investigation during the investigation period; Net sales of the Company, excluding taxes and discounts

Other information.

Regarding domestic producers and importing enterprises, the Investigating Authority has issued the investigating questionnaire in order to collect information, figures for this case. The deadline for answering the questionnaire is before 5pm of May 07th 2021 (Hanoi time).

Content of the Questionnaire for domestic producers includes:

-General information of company: Company; Individuals and organizations that control the activities of the Company; Legal representative; Operational links with other companies or persons in production – business activities; Other product; Accounting/financial practices

-Domestically produced like product: Description; Product Control Number PCN; Company Control Number CCN; Technical description and production process of the like product

-Production, purchases and stocks: Production and production capacity; Purchases of the like product or product under investigation; Stocks of finished product;

-Sales: Total sales of the product under investigation produced by company; Resales; Internal use

-Distribution system and selling prices: Distribution system and channels of sale; Price setting for the like product

-Transaction by transaction listing: Sales transactions in Vietnam during POI; Explanation of the apportionment of costs to transactions; Credit notes

-Cost of production: Cost accounting system; Production process; Cost of production; Different levels of purity; Suppliers of direct materials

-Profitability: Profitability of the like product during investigation period; Profitability of the overall company; Profit in the absence of injurious dumping ; Cash flow for the like product; Investments; Ability to raise capital; Return on investment (ROI) and assets (ROA)

-Employment and wages: Employment; Labor cost

-Other questions

Content of the Questionnaire for importing enterprises includes:

-General information of company: Company; Individuals and organizations that control the activities of the Company; Legal representative; Operational links with other companies or persons in production – business activities; Other product; Accounting/financial practices

-Imported product under investigation: Description; Details of the imported product; Product comparison

-Production, purchases and stocks: General information of sales; Purchase of product under investigation; Product under investigation originated from China and/or Thailand and/or Malaysia; Stocks

-Sales: Introduction

-Profitability: Profitability; Price setting

-Other questions

Our international trade and competition lawyers in Vietnam at ANT Lawyers will always follow the development from authorities to provide update to our clients.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529.

Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 4, 2021

Can Foreign Invested Enterprises Distribute Pharmaceutical Products in Vietnam?

Currently, with the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic in the world in general and in Vietnam in particular, the research, production and import of Covid-19 vaccines are the matter that everyone is concerned about. On February 24th, 2021, the first batch of vaccine approved for import was transported to Vietnam by the Vietnam Vaccine Joint Stock Company.


Facing this situation, a number of foreign enterprises have expressed their opinions on the limitations imposed on foreign-invested enterprises in the field of distribution of pharmaceutical products in Vietnam. Vietnam has reserved no commitment to open the distribution of pharmaceutical products service market and has not committed to opening the distribution of pharmaceutical products service market under any trade agreement or international treaty up to the moment, because the pharmaceutical sector is sensitive, directly related to access to drugs and people’s health.

According to the provisions of the law, “distribution of pharmaceutical products” means the division, movement and storage of pharmaceutical products from the warehouse of the manufacturer/importer of such products or from a distributor to the end user thereof or to a distribution point or between distribution points by means of various transport methods. For distribution services, in the WTO Commitments, it is clear that pharmaceutical distribution services are excluded from the scope of commitments for all modes of supply. In addition, Appendix 03 of Circular 24/2016/TT- publicizing roadmaps for goods trade and goods trading directly related activities of foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam, it is also recognized that pharmaceutical products are on the list of goods not entitled to distribution.

Regarding this issue, the Drug Administration of Vietnam expressed the following viewpoint: “The suspension of allowing foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam to provide drug storage and transportation services is to prevent the distribution of disguised drugs in Vietnam, contributing to health security and towards the professionalization of the medicine distribution system in Vietnam.”

Point c, Clause 10, Article 91 of Decree 54/2017/ND-CP, effective from May 8, 2017, provides for cases ineligible to distribute drugs as follows:

“10. The entities that are entitled to import but not entitled to distribute drugs and medicinal ingredients in Vietnam must do activities related to distribution of drugs and medicinal ingredients in Vietnam except for drugs and medicinal ingredients they manufacture in Vietnam, including:

c) Providing drug/medicinal ingredient transport or storage services.”

According to this content, foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam are not allowed to transport and preserve drugs, except for drugs and medicinal ingredients manufactured by that enterprise in Vietnam. It can be seen that the restriction on the right to distribute drugs to foreign-invested enterprises is aimed at ensuring health security, being proactive in drug supply and distribution, towards to professionalize the domestic drug distribution system as a foundation to support the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry and contributing to better control of drug prices in the market.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529.


Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 4, 2021

Can Foreigner Authorize Other Person to Perform Transfer of Properties in Vietnam?

In the complicated situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Government continued to implement policies to restrict entry to Vietnam, thus many transactions were canceled or delayed. That has caused many obstacles for foreign individuals and organizations wishing to perform transactions in Vietnam. We refer to the transfer of home ownership for foreign individuals who cannot enter Vietnam to participate in signing transfer contracts and other related transactions i.e. sell or buy an apartment or a house located in Vietnam.


Can Foreigner Authorize Other Person to Perform Transfer of Properties in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the law on housing, foreign organizations and individuals have the right to own house in Vietnam, before the time limit of the homeownership, the homeowner is entitled to gift or sell their house(s) to entities eligible for the homeownership in Vietnam; if not, their house(s) shall be under ownership of the State. Regarding the house ownership term, if a foreign organization or individual sells or gifted to a domestic organization, household, individual, or a Vietnamese citizen residing overseas, the buyer or recipient will acquire a long-term ownership of the house. If the house is sold to a foreign organization or individual eligible to own housing in Vietnam, the buyer or recipient may own the house for the remaining period. When this period expires, if the owner wishes to have this period extended, the State shall consider granting an extension. The seller or giver must pay tax and other amounts to state budget as prescribed by Vietnam’s law.

In accordance with the law on housing transactions, the seller or transferor of the commercial house sale and purchase contract must meet the following conditions:

He/she is the homeowner, or the person permitted and authorized by the homeowner to enter into housing as prescribed in this Law and law on civil; if the agreement of commercial housing is transferred, he must be the buyer for housing of the investor or the transferee of the agreement on housing sale;

If the entity is a person, he must have full civil capacity to enter into transactions in housing as prescribed in law on civil; if the entity is an organization, it must have legal personality.

Article 195 of the 2015 Civil Code stipulates: “A person who is not an owner of property has the right to dispose of property only under the authorization of the owner or according to the provisions of law.”

Clause 2 Article 55 of the Law on Notarization 2014 stipulates: “In case both the authorizing party and authorized party cannot appear together at the same notarial practice organization, the authorizing party shall request the notarial practice organization of the place of residence of the authorizing party to notarize the authorization contract; the authorized party shall request the notarial practice organization of the place of residence of the authorized party to further notarize the original of this authorization contract and complete procedures for notarization of the authorization contract.”

In order to perform the house purchase and sale transaction or in other words to buy an apartment or sell a house in Vietnam, the parties to the house transaction need to agree to make a sale contract or a document on the transfer of a commercial house sale and purchase contract. In case a foreign house owner cannot enter directly to sign a contract, he/she may authorize another individual or organization in Vietnam to perform instead. However, the authorization document needs to be notarized at the competent authority. In case a power of attorney is notarized at a competent agency in a foreign country, it is required to be notarized, legalized, and authenticated in accordance with regulations of the foreigner country (apostille) before that document can be used in Vietnam.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529



Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 4, 2021

Da Nang – Boras (Sweden) cooperates in the field of science education

On the afternoon of January 15th, 2021, the People’s Committee of Da Nang City in collaboration with the city government of Boras (Sweden) organized an online seminar on the UN’s sustainable development goals to 2030, within the framework of the project “Scientific education for sustainable development in Da Nang” cooperation between Da Nang and Boras.


Based on the UN’s sustainable development goals up to 2030, in which education, environment, science, and technology development are the goals that Da Nang cares for and develops. The city seeks to ensure quality, open and equitable education and increase lifelong learning opportunities for all the citizens, ensure availability and sustainable management of water resources of the city, build solid infrastructure, promote open and sustainable industrialization, and encourage innovation. The city takes urgent measures to combat climate change and its impacts, conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development, protection, regeneration, and promotion encourage the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forest resources sustainably, combat desertification, prevent soil erosion and loss of biodiversity.

For the Boras city -Sweden, with the goal of sustainable development, Boras city focuses on implementing a number of contents such as improving the institutional system, policies, strengthen information and communication, promote the role and participation of the parties, arrange, mobilize and strengthen financial resources, and strengthen international cooperation.

Da Nang hopes that science education project for sustainable development in Da Nang, which is cooperated between Da Nang and Boras, will have specific activities, contributing to improving the capacity of science education, promoting innovation associated with sustainable development goals in the city.

Da Nang and Boras have cooperated for many years, with many policies to attract and support Swedish investors. Many Swedish investors and enterprises have chosen Da Nang as the investment destination in Vietnam to set up company, establish factory, apply for investment registration certificate. In the coming time, Da Nang-Boras hopes that more investors from Sweden will invest in the city in wastewater and solid waste treatment projects to further strengthen cooperation in investment, education, and science between the two cities.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529