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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 11, 2020

Legal consequences of the trademark with origin in Vietnam and designation EU registered under Madrid system after Brexit

After 47 years being a member of EU, UK officially left EU on January 31, 2020. This is an almost half of century relationship, thus, there would be a number of arising confusion as well as the issue which is in need of negotiation to complete the process including trademark registration with origin from Vietnam.


Trademark protection in Vietnam

UK is the member of Madrid system from Dec 1st, 1995, concurrently, EU has also officially become a member of this system since Oct 1st, 2004.  According to the international trademark searching Madrid Monitor, there are 292 Vietnamese trademarks registered internationally designated EU which include both the trademarks during the examination period and granted certificate.

How is the fate of these trademarks after Brexit?

According to the guidance from Intellectual Property Office of UK (“IPO”), the owner or applicant of the trademark which submitted according to the Madrid system and designated EU need to note the following points:

International trade mark registrations protected in the EU (“EUTM”) under the Madrid Protocol will no longer enjoy protection in the UK after 1 January 2021. According to Brexit Agreement, IPO will create a system: “comparable UK trademark” in relation to each international (EU) trade mark designation. In case EUTM are still in the examination period, the applicant has the right to register that exact trademark in UK in the transition period from January 1st, 2021 to September 30th, 2021. In details:

Firstly, to the trademarks which has been protected, UK will:

-Be recorded in UK registration system;

-The recorded trademark will have the same legal status as the trademark protected according to UK law;

-Keep the submitting of the application as EUTM;

-Keep the priority date according to the Madrid system or seniority date according to UK law;

-Be recognized as independently existing trademark according to UK law and may be challenged, assigned, licensed or renewed separately from the original international registration.

However, it is noted that: (i) the Comparable trademarks will be created at no cost to the holder of the international trademark, except a minimal administrative burden will be placed upon the rights holder (ii) the applicant will not receive the trademark certificate, however, they could be searched for the trademark at GOV.UK.

Secondly, for the EUTM which are still in examination phase:

In case EUTM are still in examination phase, on January 1st, 2021, the applicant has the following rights:

-Apply the trademark application in UK for EUTM during the transition, nine months from January 1st, 2021 until September 30th, 2021 as mentioned above;

-Keep the earlier filing date as EUTM;

-Enjoy other international priority claim effecting on EUTM in accordance with the seniority claim according to UK law.

However, it is noted that when applying the EUTM during the examination phase according to the UK trademark system then:

-The trademark applied in UK must be the same with the trademark in EU application which submitted previously;

-Goods/services required to protect of the trademark must be the same or included in the scale of EUTM.

In case the application submitted into UK does not satisfy the above criteria, the application would not enjoy the priority date or the priority claim of EUTM.

The application after having been submitted within that period and satisfies the criteria will be deemed as UK application and be examined according to UK law.

If you are looking for an experienced IP services in Vietnam to help you with your IP application, you should visit Our attorneys have experience with the IP process and will work closely with you as you apply for your IP. We routinely match inventors with experienced IP attorneys for a free consultation on our platform and offer a money back guarantee. 


Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 11, 2020

Legalize Birth Certificate in Vietnam

Legalize birth certificate is the authentication of signature and stamp on the birth certificate issued by the foreign country or organization in order for that document to be recognized and used in Vietnam.


How to Legalize Birth Certificate in Vietnam

In principle, the Vietnam State authorities only accept considering birth certificate that has been legalized, unless the law of Vietnam and international treaties in which Vietnam has signed or participated has other provisions.

In the trend of integration and development, Vietnam has expanded exchanges with all countries in the world. Therefore, the demand for legalize birth certificate is inevitable. ANT Lawyers is honored to provide the service to legalize birth certificate, evaluating the legitimacy of the birth certificate and on behalf of institutions and individuals to perform the procedure at the state agencies with the most reasonable cost.

The process to legalize birth certificate includes:

Step 1: Receipt of birth certificate record from client and conduct the document translation;

Step 2: Get the judicial stamp for the translation of birth certificate

Step 3: Get legalized stamp for the birth certificate

Step 4: Get the stamps of embassies, consulates for birth certificate

Step 5: Return the legalized birth certificate record to customer

We are a law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529



Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 11, 2020

Startup company

From 2015 onwards, the wave of small and medium-sized startups in Vietnam has been developing rapidly. This development is followed by government’s support in forming legal corridors, scheme to favour startup ecosystem and encourage science and technology organizations, research institute, technology incubator, etc. To be deemed as a startup, an individual or business must start their own business along with an innovative idea. Currently, startup is the legal term as recognized under the laws, especially on Law on Small and Medium Enterprises Assistance 2017.


For clarification, small and medium startups are small and medium enterprise (“SME”) established to implement its business ideas based on the utilization of intellectual property, technology and new business models and are able to grow rapidly. These enterprises are in the stage of getting a business up and running, attaches to science and technology or find out new business models, provide products and services to new market segmentation, growth rapidly and make a difference to domestic and foreign enterprises.

Directive 9/CT-TTg dated on February 18th, 2020 of the Prime Minister requires relevant ministries and agencies such as the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Science and Technology, etc. to implement solutions, remove barriers and resolve difficulties, issue policies to create favorable conditions for startups. These include the proposal to amend the Law on Investment in the direction of facilitating foreign investors to establish, contribute capital, purchase shares, or contributed capital of startup investment funds in Vietnam. Before establishing an economic organization, the foreign investor must have an investment project and carry out the procedures for issuance or amendment of the Investment Registration Certificate, except for the establishment of small and medium-sized startups and startup investment funds in accordance with the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises Assistance. Although the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises Assistance 2017 and guiding decrees have taken effect, it is not clear what procedures the foreign investors are required to do to set up a SME startup. It is necessary to wait for specific instructions for startup formation.

Moreover, according to the Law on Investment 2020, startup investment projects are included in the beneficiaries of investment incentives as recently added. Technology and intellectual property exploitation are two of subjects which are considered as startup projects. The technology sector, before the Law on Investment 2020 takes effect, has achieved a number of tax incentives for eligible enterprises, for example: enjoying enterprise income tax at rate of 10% for 15 year or tax exemption for four years, 50% reduction of taxable for the next nine years, not subject to value added tax. Furthermore, SME startups selected for SME support project are entitled to enjoy the following assistances: (i) consultation on intellectual property, intellectual property utilization and development; (ii) procedures for technical regulations and standards, quality measurement, testing and improvement of new products and business model; (iii) technology uses and transfers; (iv) training, information, trade promotion and commercialization; (v) use of technical facilities, incubators, and common working areas according to Decree No. 39/2018/ND-CP.

We are a law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529

Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam.



Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 11, 2020

Change of Child Raising Person after Divorce

When divorce, children raising issue is very important and is always considered by the parties. Typically, parents always want the best for their children. However, there are also cases that the person who is raising that child unable to provide comprehensive benefits for the child. Then the person who is not directly raise the child may request for caregiver to ensure human rights.


ANT Lawyers would advise to customers some of the content in the issue of stipulating caregiver and change of caregiver after divorce.

The nursing, take care, educating and parenting after divorce

After divorce, parents are still obliged to look after, take care, educating, parenting minors or adults who are disabled, lost their civil act capacity, inability to work and have no property to support themselves.

The person who is not directly raises children have to provide rearing support.

Husband and wife agree on the person who directly raise the children, the rights and obligations of each party after divorce to their children; if no agreement is reached, the Court decided to assign one party to directly raise children based on the interests of that children in all aspects; if the children is nine years old or older, the wishes of the children must be considered.

In principle, children under three years of age are directly raised by the mother, unless the parties agree otherwise.

Change the person who directly raises children after divorce

For the benefit of the children, at the request of one or both parties, the Court may decide to change the child directly raising people.

The change of child directly raising people after divorce is conducted in case the people who directly raise the child does not guarantee the rights of the child in all aspects. Moreover, if the child is nine years old or older, we have to take into consideration the aspirations of the child.

ANT Lawyers- Marriage and family dispute law firm in Vietnam has experience in civil and family matters to advice clients whom are interested for such legal service in Vietnam. We assist our clients in the process of reviewing agreements, procedures and concerned matters in civil and family.


Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 11, 2020

Child Adoption by Foreigners

Presently, there are many foreign people want to adopt a Vietnamese. Besides, the law of Vietnam also has strict regulations for child adoption by foreigners.

First is the adoption of specific child by foreigners. The Adoption Act 2010 defined that the Vietnamese residing abroad and foreigners permanently residing overseas are allowed to adopt specific child in the following cases:


Adoption Lawyers in Vietnam

As stepfather or stepmother of the adopted person;

As uncle or aunt of the adopted person;

Has adopted children who are siblings of the children that are adopting;

Adopt children with disabilities, HIV / AIDS or other fatal diseases;

As foreigners who are working and studying in Vietnam for at least 01 years.

In which the 4th case is a special case that are encouraged by the State with simpler procedures than other cases.

The order and procedures for adoption of child will be conducted as follows:

The profile of child adopting people includes:

+ Application for adoption by name;

+ A copy of the passport or replacing document that have the same value;

+ The written permission for child adoption in Vietnam;

+ The psychological and family investigation;

+ Documents certifying health status;

+ Documents certifying income and assets;

+ Judicial record;

+ Documents certifying marital status;

+ Documents evidencing eligible for child adoption by name.

+ In case of specific child adoption for children over 5 years old and two or more siblings, the record must clearly state the psychological preparation plan for children, preparing conditions for children to integrate into the new family, culture and society environments.

The above documents are issued and certified by the competent authority where the child adopting people permanently reside. To be certified by the State of Vietnam, it should be certified through the procedure of consular legalization.

The profile of children to be adopted includes:

+ Birth certificate

+ Certification of health issued by the district or higher health authorities;

+ Two full body and looking straight images, which was taken within 06 months

+ Documents about the noteworthy characteristics, preferences and habits of children.

These papers are issued by nurturing organizations or natural parents / guardians of children.

Profiles of the child adopting person and the child being adopted are submitted directly at the Bureau for adoption. The case that cannot submit the profile directly at the Bureau for adoption, the child adopting person have to authorize by written document their relatives residing in Vietnam to submit the profile at the Bureau for adoption or send the profile through post office in the form of guarantees.

In the procedure of adoption of specific children with disabilities, HIV / AIDS or suffering from serious diseases, Vietnam law allows the free implementation of procedures to find alternative families and introduce children for adoption. The meaning of this is to shorten the procedure, creating condition for these children to be adopted and nurtured in an enabling environment.

After receipt of the application for adoption, Bureau of adoption will check and appraisal the profile to determine that the child adopting people was certified by the competent authorities of the country where he or she resides that he or she satisfy the eligibility for child adoption under the laws of that country and under the laws of Vietnam.

Towards the child to be adopted, after receiving profile from natural parents or guardians of the child, Bureau for adoption has the responsibility to inspect children’s record, conduct consultation with the natural father / mother or the guardians of child about the child adoption for foreigner during 07 working days.

Within 07 working days from the expiration date of changing opinion about the child adoption for foreigner of the natural parents or guardians of children, if children are eligible to be adopted by foreigner, who are entitled to adoption by name, Bureau for adoption will report the Department of Justice, Department of Justice will certify by document that the children eligible for adoption by foreigner. Finally, Department of Justice submits to the Provincial People’s Committee decided to allow the foreigner to adopt the children.

Second is the adoption of child not by name with foreign element. The adoption of child not by name with foreign element is the cases when Vietnamese residing abroad, foreigners reside in the country in which that country is a member of international treaties on child adoption with Vietnam and adopt Vietnamese children; Vietnam citizens residing in Vietnam adopt foreign children; foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam adopt Vietnamese children.

For the adoption case that not by name, the order and procedures will include:

+ The profile of people that want to adopt children should be submitting to the Bureau for adoption through the adoption agencies of that country that are licensed to operate in Vietnam. If that country does not have adoption agencies licensed to operate in Vietnam, the adoption profile should be submitting to the Bureau for adoption through diplomatic representative offices or consular office of that country in Vietnam.

+ The profile of children being adopted will be submitted by natural parents or guardians of the children at the Bureau for adoption.

+ The Bureau for adoption receives, inspect and evaluate profile of the child adopting people and children being adopted.

Compared to the case of adoption by name with children with disabilities, HIV / AIDS or other serious diseases, the case of adoption not by name, the Department of Justice has to implement the procedure to find alternative family and introduce children for adoption. The meaning of these two procedures is to encourage local Vietnamese permanent residing in Vietnam to adopt Vietnamese children, enabling Vietnamese children to live, learn and develop in their own homeland. Only when the above procedure to find alternative family and introduce children for adoption have finished without any local people want to adopt that children, the Department of Justice will consider deciding for the children to be adopted by foreigner.

The notice period to find alternative family is regulated as 60 days, during this period, if any Vietnamese wants to adopt children, they should contact the Commune People’s Committee where children resides to consider and settle the adoption. If time runs out 60 days, the Department of Justice has to prepare a list of children who need to find alternative families and submit to the Ministry of Justice.

On the other hand, within 30 days after receiving profile from foreigner that want to adopt Vietnamese children, the Department of Justice has to review and introduce children to be adopted on the basis of children with no domestic adoption. After introducing children to be adopted, the Department of Justice reported the Provincial People’s Committee for comments.

The case that the Provincial People’s Committee disagrees, they have to send a written document stating the reasons and submit to the Department of Justice. On the other hand, the case that the Provincial People’s Committee agrees, within 07 working days, the Provincial People’s Committee decided for children for abroad adoption.

We are a law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529


Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 11, 2020

What Rights Shareholder Holds in Joint Stock Company?

Shareholders are individual or organization that owns at least one share of the joint-stock company and also are owner of the joint-stock company. Along with these roles, their interests are tied to business operations although they may not directly manage the day-to-day company affairs. In order to implement governance, the powers and responsibilities of each interest group such as shareholders, the board of directors, managerial personnel, etc. should be assigned based on the statutory principles and procedures.


Litigation dispute law firm in Vietnam

According to the regulations on shareholders in the Law on Enterprise 2020, the rights of shareholders can be categorized into the following groups: economic rights, governance rights, information rights, and litigation rights.

Economic rights

Economic right is the right to gain all pecuniary interest with respect to the shares. The purpose of starting a business or investing in securities comes mainly from earning income or gaining profits. Economic rights accordingly include:

-Right to entitlement to dividends

-Right to transfer ownership

-Priority right to acquire the newly issued shares

-Right to entitlement to a portion of the assets after dissolution or bankrupt

-Appraisal Right

Among these above rights, right to entitlement to dividends and right to transfer ownership are the fundamental economic rights of a shareholder.

Dividend of common shares is determined according to the realized net profit and the dividend payment from the company’s retained earnings. Despite right to entitlement to dividends, shareholders are still subject to a number of limitations in law and in fact. Dividend entitlement is determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors, after the company has fulfilled tax obligations and other financial obligations, contributed to reserve fund, paid for previous losses and met the solvency for all due debts and other property obligations. Dividend is not required to be distributed annually. Depending on the business situation, the General Meeting of Shareholders may decide to retain profits for reinvestment.

Besides dividend entitlement from the company’s operating results, shareholders can also gain profits by share transfer. This kind of investment is popular with respect of shares or securities of public companies, investors do not aim for corporate governance rights as well as dividend, they intend to earn benefits by the difference of the market values of stocks, especially when the stock value increases.

Governance rights

Modern corporate governance has two principles, one is to separate ownership and governance and to separate governance and management. It means that the major shareholders should not hold senior managerial positions in the company and Chairperson of the Board of Directors should not be assigned to other senior managerial positions such as General Director and/or Director.

Shareholders may be an individual or organization which they have their own different interests, goals and abilities. The separation between ownership and management makes the situation of whom the owner is and how the share get transferred not to affect the business operation. In the meantime, the separation helps gather professional managers to implement target intended by the company. According to the laws, members of the Board of Directors of a public company concurrently holding several executive titles must be reduced to the minimum to ensure the independence of the Board of Directors, specially the Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall not be the Director/General Director in a public company as of August 1st, 2020. There are no similar rules applicable to joint stock companies which are not public company.

Attendance, speaking and voting at General Meeting of Shareholders are fundamental in governance right of common shareholders, applicable to all shareholders holding at least one share. ty. In principle, being a shareholder who holds shares of the company regardless of the number has equal rights to attend and vote at the General Meeting of Shareholders. By the General Meeting of Shareholders, the shareholders holding a certain number of shares can impact decisions on some matters such as election, dismissal, and removal of members of the Board of Directors and Controllers, amendment and supplementation of internal documents, major transactions, and others as stipulated in law on enterprise or charter. In addition to the above rights, the majority shareholders also have a number of other rights related to governance as follows:

The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to:

-Call a General Meeting of Shareholders


-Request Board of Controllers to inspect each specific matter relating to management, governance of company affairs if necessary

-Recommend matters to be included in agenda of General Meeting of Shareholders

-The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 10% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors, Board of Controllers

Information rights

Shareholders have the right to access documents and information of the company. In addition to the basic documents such as the charter, list of shareholders, meeting minutes and resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders, shareholders have the right to access to reports related to the business affairs.

However, some information is only reviewed by shareholders who own required percentage of share:

-Access and extract information on full name and contact address as specified in list of shareholders having voting right and list of shareholders having right to attend General Meeting of Shareholder; request to adjust his/her inaccurate information

-Access, extract and scan charter of company, meeting minutes of General Meeting of Shareholder and its resolution

-Access, extract and copy partial or whole list of involved persons and their contracts, transaction of which the company is other party, interests of Board of Directors, Controllers, Directors or General Directors and other managerial positions of company

-Access and extract minutes and resolutions of Board of Directors, annual or mid-year financial reports, reports of Board of Controllers, contracts and transaction approved by Board of Directors and other documents, excepting for documents related to company’s know-how and trade secrets (applicable to shareholder and group of shareholders who own at least 5% of total number of common shares, the charter may require a smaller percentage)

-Access profit and loss statements, finacial reports, governace and management assement reports; inspection reports of Board of Controllers (applicable to shareholder who own shares at least 1 consecutive year, the charter may require a smaller percentage)


Different to common joint stock company, a public company must annouce fully, accurately and promptly the periodic and extraordinary information on business, finance and governace. Other information must be annouced if it influences share price and investment decisions of shareholders and investors.

Litigation rights

The Law on Enterprises has provided a mechanism to request the Court or Arbitration to rescind the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders or sue the managerial personnels when they fail to fully and properly implement their tasks, including:

The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to:

-Request to rescind resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders when the orders and procedures of calling the meeting and making resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders seriously violate the regulations of the Law on Enterprises and company’s charter

-However, the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders adopted by 100% of the total number of voting shares is legal and effective even when the orders and procedures of calling the meeting and adopting such resolution violates regulations of the Law on Enterprises and company’s charter.

-Request to rescind resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders when its provisions violates the laws or company’s charter

-The shareholder, group of shareholders holding at least 1% of the total number of common shares is entitled to:

-Sue members of Board of Directors, Directors, General Directors separately or jointly under certain circumstances

The Chairperson of Board of Directors or the Director or General Director usually acts as the legal representative of the company, representing the company to perform rights and obligations arising from the company’s transactions, representing the company to take proceedings before the court or arbitrator. However, when their interests conflict with those of the shareholders, shareholders have the right to initiate a lawsuit claiming benefits or compensation. The Law on Enterprise also permits shareholders to sue on behalf of the company when the above managerital personnels commit violations, causing damage directly to the company and indirectly to shareholders.

Not all shareholders have the right to sue for the above managerial personnels, only those who own at least 1% of the total number of common shares. This restriction makes sense with respect of public companies, in order to eliminate unfair competition actions conducted by minority shareholders who is controlled by the rival companies because amount of 1% in public company is not a small number.

Similar to a lawsuit against a manager, shareholder or group of shareholders is also required to own at least 5% of the total number of common shares to request rescission of the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders if there is violation on substantive law and procedural law. Accordingly, all resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders violating the substantive laws or the company’s charter are rescinded at the request of shareholders, but only serious procedural violations may be rescinded. There is no specific instructions for serious procedural violations at this time, the assessment will depend on personal perspective of the court and arbitrator.

In order to seek further advice, please contact us at or call + 84 912 817 823.  ANT Lawyers, your law firm in Vietnam.