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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 10, 2020

How Violations of Fundamental Principles Causes Annulment of Arbitral Awards?

Arbitration award is final and binding upon the parties. The arbitral award takes effect from the date of its issuance and is not subject to appeal and protest which is a feature of dispute resolution through commercial arbitration. Therefore, the regulations on annulment of arbitral award should be carefully implemented to closely monitor these awards, ensure compliance with the laws and protect the interests of the parties involved. This is an important matters to discuss when lawyers specializing in dispute through commercial arbitration encounter when requested by the client to assist the enforcement of the arbitral awards under Vietnam laws.

Annulment of arbitral award also known as setting aside is means that the Court as a juridical authority is entitled to review such award upon request of parties in dispute in case there is a ground proving that the arbitral award belongs to one of the annulment cases under the laws. The competent court to take this action is the provincial court of locality at which the parties agree or at which the Arbitral tribunal given the award.

An arbitral award in contrary to the fundamental principles of Vietnam laws is one of five grounds to set aside. The Court is responsible for verifying and collecting evidences to determine whether or not to annul the arbitral award; the requesting party is responsible for other grounds.

Fundamental principles of Vietnam laws are the basic principles impacting the formation and implementation of Vietnam laws. Each law or code contains those principles on its own. Arbitration awards are respected by laws, however within the boundary permitted by laws to not infringe the interests of concerned parties and the national interests, which has been mostly referred to by the court.

When reviewing a request for annulment of arbitral award, the court shall determine whether the award violates any fundamental principle and how such principle concerns or bind the dispute settlement of arbitrator. The court shall set aside an arbitral award in case it contains decisions in contrary to any fundamental principle of Vietnam laws which are not abided by arbitral tribunal upon issue of the arbitral award and the arbitral award seriously infringe upon the interest of the state, the lawful rights and interests of either party or parties, third parties.

In order to apply this fundamental principle ground, the Court may review the application of substantive law decided by the Arbitral Tribunal, as such, the Court may review legal issues of case. In the meantime, Vietnam Courts are not entitled to review the substantive matters resolved by the arbitral tribunal when reviewing request of requesting parties, the Courts are permitted to refer annulment cases stipulated by laws and evidences proving its conclusion. Therefore, the above restriction conflicts with the ground which is annulment of arbitralawards caused by violation of fundamental principles of Vietnamese laws. In fact, to consider whether or not to violate the fundamental principles, the Courts seem to review the substantive matters of dispute to make an argument for its decision.

Hence to improve the efficiency and judicial system under Vietnam laws, it is expected that the fundamental principle ground to cause annulment arbitral award of arbitrator should be instructed in more detail in Vietnam laws to improve the independence of the Arbitral Tribunal and avoid the Vietnam Court trying to re-resolve the substantive matters.

ANT Lawyers – Arbitration law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or service request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529.



Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 10, 2020

What Are Conditions to Clean Up Criminal Records?

Offenders who have completely served their penalties shall be given conditions to do business, live honestly and integrate with the community, and when they meet all the conditions prescribed by law, their conviction may be expunged and their criminal records will be cleaned. A person whose criminal record is removed is considered as having not been convicted. There are three cases of conviction expungement, including: Automatic conviction expungement; Conviction expungement under a Court’s decision; Special cases of conviction expungement.


Automatic conviction expungement applies to people convicted not for crimes of infringing upon national security and crimes of undermining peace, against humanity and war crimes when they have completed their main penalty, the probationary period of the suspended sentence, the person has served the additional penalty, other decisions of the judgment or has expired and does not commit any new crime during the periods specified below: (i) 01 year in case of a warning, fine, community sentence or suspended imprisonment; (ii) 02 years in case of imprisonment of up to 05 years; (iii) 03 years in case of imprisonment from over 05 years to 15 years; (iv) 05 years in case of imprisonment of over 15 years or commuted life imprisonment. A convict serving an additional punishment that is mandatory supervision, prohibition from residence, prohibition from holding certain positions, prohibition from doing certain jobs, deprivation of certain citizenship rights for a period longer than those specified in  points (i), (ii), (iii) above, automatic conviction expungement shall be granted when he/she finishes serving the additional punishment.


Conviction expungement under a Court’s decision is applicable to persons convicted of crimes of infringing upon national security and crimes of undermining peace, against humanity and war crimes. The Court shall decide the conviction expungement of convict based on the nature of the crimes committed, the law-observing attitude, the convicted person’s labor attitude and the following conditions:

The Court shall grant conviction expungement if the convict, after serving the primary sentence or probation period as well as additional sentences and other decisions of the judgment, does not commit any new crime over the following periods: (i) 01 year in case of warning, community sentence, or suspended imprisonment; (ii) 03 years in case of imprisonment of up to 05 years; (iii) 05 years in case of imprisonment of between more than 5 years and 15 years; (iv) 07 years in case of imprisonment of more than 15 years, life imprisonment or death sentence that is commuted.


If the convict is serving an additional sentence which is mandatory supervision, prohibition from residence, or deprivation of certain citizenship rights for a longer period than that specified in points (i), (ii) above, conviction expungement shall be considered when he/she finishes serving the additional sentence.


If an application for conviction expungement is rejected for the first time, it may only be resubmitted after 01 year from the day on which it is rejected; if the application for conviction expungement is rejected for the second time, it may only be resubmitted after 02 years from the day on which it is rejected.

Where a convict shows remarkable improvements and has made reparation in an effort to atone for the crime and conviction expungement is requested by his/her employer or local authority, the court shall decide to grant conviction expungement if has served at least one third of the above period.


In order to be automatically expunge conviction or expunged conviction according to the decision of the Court, the convict must fully comply with the decisions in the judgment including the payment of court costs and not commit any new crime within the prescribed time limit. For special cases of conviction expungement, convict must have at least one-third of the time limit for conviction expungement according to regulations and the Court shall decide to expunge conviction at the request of agencies or organizations where the person works or the local government where the person resides.


The period after which a conviction may be expunged depends on the primary sentence. If the convict who has not had the conviction expunged commits a new crime which leads to a conviction under an effective judgment, the period after which the conviction may be expunged shall start over from the day on which the primary sentence has been served or the end of the probation period of the new judgment or from the deadline for execution of the new judgment. If the convict has committed more than one crime and one of which is automatically eligible for expungement, one of which is eligible for expungement under a court’s decision, the Court shall decide expungement pursuant to the prescribed time limit for conviction expungement under the Court’s decision.


A convicted corporate legal entity shall automatically have its conviction expunged if it does not commit any new criminal offence for 02 years from the day on which the primary punishments, additional punishments, other decisions of the judgment are served or from the expiration of the time limit for execution of the judgment.

Criminal record card can be obtained at authority to reveal the current criminal conviction situation or changes of situation of such conviction.


We are a law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529

Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam.





Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 10, 2020

How Non-voting Depositary Receipt Work?

Decree No. 60/2015/ND-CP (Decree 60) amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 58/2012/ND-CP issued by the Government on May 26th, 2015 has lifted foreign ownership limit of the public enterprises (with conditions) and permitted enterprises operating in all sectors and areas without restriction on foreign ownership to self-set out limits of foreign ownership.

Finance Dispute Law Firm in Vietnam

Although the Government has been facilitating foreign investor investing in the Vietnam stock market as well as Vietnam enterprises whom raise capital, the foreign investors still faced a number of challenges. The Decree 60 has taken effect since September 1st, 2015, but most public companies did not lift their foreign ownership limit over 51%. One of the reasons is that, the enterprises with 51% foreign ownership shall meet the statutory conditions and therefore have to follow the investment procedures applicable to foreign investors in accordance with the Law on Investment, Law on Securities and other guiding legislations. Having said that, Vietnam enterprises with over 51% foreign ownership shall be treated as foreign investor. These requirements shall significantly impact on business plans and procedures that an enterprise must comply and restrict them from doing business in some sectors. Accordingly, the daily purchase and sale of shares by foreign investors around the threshold of 51% of the charter capital makes it difficult to determine the legal status of an enterprise.

In order to facilitate the attraction of foreign capital inflows, the Government has been reviewing acceptance of non-voting depositary receipt (NVDR). The promulgation of the Enterprise Law 2020 effective from January 1st, 2021, initially recognized NVDR. Ordinary shares used as underlying assets to issue NVDR are called as underlying ordinary shares. Non-voting depository receipts have interest and obligations proportional to the underlying ordinary shares, excepting for voting rights. NVDR is a negotiable financial instrument issued by a third party which is a subsidiary of the Stock Exchange (Issuing Organization). The Issuing Organization will then hand over to investors all financial benefits attached stocks such as dividends, rights offering. This is a solution from other country that helps foreign investors to invest in public enterprises, even they such enterprises reached limit boundary of foreign ownership. NVDR can be converted into ordinary shares in case the public company has not yet reached foreign ownership limit.

ANT Lawyers - a Law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or service request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529.



Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 10, 2020

What Are Fundamental Contract Breaches in Law on Commerce 2005 and CISG 1980?

Fundamental breach is atype of contract breach, in which the Law on Commerce 2005 defines that a breach of contract committed by one of the parties is fundamental if it causes damage to the other party to the extent that the other party fails to achieve purpose of contract conclusion. The significant factor that makes the difference between the fundamental and minor breach of contract is the materiality.


Fundamental breach is an important foundation for the imposition of trade remedies such as temporary suspension of performance, suspension of performance or contract cancellation when the contract has no specific agreement. Nonetheless, Law on Commerce 2005 does not provide further guidance on fundamental breach. Court or arbitrator has a right to determine whether a breach is fundamental on a case-by-case basis. 

The difference between constitution of a fundamental breach under CIGS 19080 and Law on Commerce 2005 is that: a breach cannot be treated as under CISG 1980 in case the breaching party did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same kind in the same circumstances would not have foreseen such a result. Law on Commerce 2005 does not stipulate factor (iii) as mentioned herein but requires that (1) a breach is made and (2) As set forth in CISG 1980, a breach of contract committed by one of the parties is fundamental if it results in such detriment to the other party as substantially to deprive him of what he is entitled to expect under the contract, unless the party in breach did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same kind in the same circumstances would not have foreseen such a result. CISG also does not provide specific provisions to explain fundamental breach in details. Nonetheless, it can be deemed that in order to constitute a fundamental breach, three following factors need to be met: (i) a breach is made, (ii) detriment resulted from such breach substantially deprives him of what he is entitled to expect under the contract, and (iii) the breach can be foreseen.

damage resulted from such breach causes other party failed to achieve its purpose of contract conclusion to constitute a fundamental breach. The aggrieved party accordingly has a right to impose remedies such as temporary suspension of performance, suspension of performance or contract cancellation.

The consequence factor of fundamental breach in Law on Commerce 2005 is similar to CIGS 1980. In case the purchaser is aggrieved party, what he/she is entitled to expect under the contract is right to receive the goods, to own the goods and to sell to other parties to earn profits or manufacture products or other ways he/she can make a profit. In case the seller is aggrieved party, what he/she is entitled to expect under the contract is right to receive payments, which is profits he/she may earn. The purpose of contract conclusion as provided in Law on Commerce 2005 is same as what the purchaser and seller are entitled to expect under the contract as stipulated in CISG 1980.

ANT Lawyers - a Law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or service request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529.



Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 10, 2020

What Are Procedures for Postponement at the First Instance Court?

In case that civil lawsuit cannot be mediated or cannot conduct the mediation, the Judge shall hold the meetings for checking the handover, access, disclosure of evidences and mediation. In cases there are many parties in a case and some of them are absent but present parties agree to conduct the meetings and the conduct of the meeting does not affect rights and obligations of absent parties, the Judges shall conduct meeting between present parties. If parties request to postpone the mediation meeting until all parties attend, the Judge shall postpone the meeting. The Judges must notify postponement and re-open of meeting to the parties. The litigation lawyers could be the best advisors to the client to utilize the procedures for the best interests of their client depending on the situation.


 Procedures for Postponement at the First Instance Court

In the first-instance court hearings, when being summoned duly the the Court for the first time, the parties or their representatives and defense counsels shall be present at the Court hearings. If any of them is absent, the Trial Panel shall postpone the Court hearings, unless such person requests for trial in his/her absence. The Courts must notify the postponement of the Court hearings to the parties, their representatives and defense counsels. When being summoned duly for the second time, parties or their representatives and defense counsels shall be present at the Court hearings unless they request for trials in their absence. If the absence is caused by a force majeure event or an objective obstacle, the Court may postpone the Court hearings, otherwise the Court shall handle as follows: (i) The absence of plaintiff without his/her representative shall be considered giving up the lawsuit initiation, thus the Court shall issue a decision to terminate the case resolution for his/her request for lawsuit initiation, unless such plaintiff requests for trials in their absence. The plaintiff may re-initiate lawsuits according to law provisions; (ii) If neither the defendant without counter-claims or a person with relevant interests and duties (relevant person) without independent claims nor his/her representative participates in the Court hearings, the Court shall conduct trial in their absence; (iii) If neither the defendant with counter-claims nor his/her representative participates in the Court hearings, such defendant shall be considered giving up the counter claims, thus the Court shall issue a decision to terminate the resolution for his/her counter claims, unless such defendant requests for trial in his/her absence. The defendant may re-initiate lawsuits for his/her counter-claims according to law provisions; (iv) If neither relevant person with independent claims nor his/her representative participates in the Court hearings, such person shall be considered giving up the independent claims, thus the Court shall issue a decision to terminate the resolution for his/her independent claims, unless such person requests for trial in his/her absence. Such person may re-initiate lawsuits for his/her independent claims according to law provisions; (v) If the defense counsels of the parties is absent, the Court shall conduct trial in their absence.

When the witnesses are absent, the Trial Panels shall decide to conduct trial or to postpone the court. The Trial Panels shall still conduct trial if the witnesses are absent but have earlier given their testimonies in person or sent their testimonies to courts. The presiding Judges shall make such testimonies public. The Trial Panels shall decide to postpone the Court hearings if the absence of the witnesses at Court creates difficulties or affects the objective and comprehensive resolution of the cases.

If the expert-witnesses are absent, the Trial Panels shall decide to conduct trial or to postpone the court. If the interpreters are absent without substitutes, the Trial Panels shall decide to postpone the Court hearings. If expert-witnesses or interpreters must be replaced, the Judges, the Trial panels or the Civil matter-resolving council shall issue decisions to postpone the Court hearings.

When any procedure participants are absent from Court hearings and it does not fall into the cases which the Courts must postpone the Court hearings, the presiding Judges must ask if there is any one requesting to postpone the Court hearings. If there is, the Trial Panels shall consider and decide to accept or not accept such request. In case of non-acceptance, the reasons must be clearly stated.

In addtion to absence and change of procedure participants, the change of procedure-conducting person may make the Court hearings be postponed. Firstly, in case of change of the Judge, People’s Jurors, Ombudspersons, Court clerks, procurators, the Trial Panels shall issue decisions to postpone the Court hearings.

Decision on postponing the Court hearings in above circumstances is made by Trial Panels and the time limit for postponing shall not exceed 01 month or not exceed 15 days, applicable to Court carried out under simplified procedure, from the day on which the decision to postpone the Court session is issued.

Having said that, the client could rely on the litigation lawyers in Vietnam for the solution in each case to protect the best interests if postponement procedures of the first instance trial could be applied.


Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 10, 2020

What Are Tax Obligations of a Representative Office in Vietnam?

Vietnam-based representative office of a foreign trader means a dependent unit of the foreign trader, which is established under the provisions of Vietnamese law to conduct market survey and a number of commercial promotion activities permitted by Vietnamese law.

Representative office of foreign trader in Vietnam has the rights and obligations in accordance with the law of Vietnam. Foreign trader is responsible before the law of Vietnam for all operations of its representative office in Vietnam.


Accordingly, representative office in Vietnam is not allowed to conduct business activities, nor carry out other activities for profit-generating purposes. The representative office in Vietnam only performs the activities for the right purposes, scope and duration specified in the certificate to establish the representative office. Besides, the representative office in Vietnam has the right to rent the head office, rent and buy the facilities and materials necessary for the operation of the representative office; to recruit Vietnamese and foreign employees to work at the representative office in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law; to use an account in foreign currency, in Vietnam dong of foreign currency origin opened by a foreign trader at a bank licensed to operate in Vietnam and only use this account for the operation of the representative office; to have a seal bearing the name of the representative office according to the provisions of Vietnamese law. Representative office in Vietnam can sign contracts, perform transactions with partners when authorized by the enterprise.

Hence, due to the limited scope of activities, the tax liability of a foreign representative office in Vietnam is narrower than that of an enterprise.  As the representative office does not produce or trade in goods and services, it is not required to pay license fees as prescribed. Representative office of foreign trader in Vietnam is dependent unit of foreign trader, established to investigate the market and carry out some trade promotion activities permitted by Vietnamese law, does not carry out production and business activities, so it is not required to pay license fees.

The fact that the representative office has the right to recruit Vietnamese or foreign employees to work at the office is the basis for arising personal income tax obligation. At the same time, representative office of foreign organization is subject to personal income tax registration. For employees working at foreign representative office in Vietnam, the taxable incomes are based on salaries and wages. Declaring, withholding, paying taxes and settling personal income tax of employees working at foreign representative office is the responsibility of such representative office.

ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam with offices in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City could help client to set up representative office in Vietnam and advise on the compliance on regular basis.

Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 10, 2020

Vietnam to Investigate Anti-Dumping Case of Sorbitol Chemical Products from China, India and Indonesia

On August 18th, 2020, Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam (TRAV) acknowledged the Dossier on request of investigation to impose the anti-dumping measures to Sorbitolchemical products originated from China, India and Indonesia from the companies representing the domestic industry (Requester).  If there is anti-dumping actions, the anti-dumping investigation will be initiated and related parties would cooperate with TRAV to provide data as required.



Thêm chú thích

On the basis of assessing the Dossier, on September 30th, 2020, TRAV had confirmed the sufficiency of the dossiers according the the laws on trade remedy.

Within 45 days from the date of receiving sufficient and lawful dossier, TRAV will assess dossier to submit Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade for consideration whether to process the investigation.

The assessment’s contents includes:

-Identify the legal representative status of the domestic industry of organizations and individuals who submit dossier in accordance with the Law on Foreign Trade Management;

-Define evidence on the dumping of imported goods that cause or threaten to cause significant losses to a domestic manufacturing industry or substantially prevent the formation of a domestic manufacturing industry.

In order to serve the assessment process, as well as to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise, TRAV recommends that the domestic enterprises manufacturing trading in the same goods mentioned above provide the following information.

-Enterprise’s information;

-Capacity/design and production of Sorbitol chemical products in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020;

-Enterprise’s opinion on the case (to agree, oppose, have no opinion);

-Any document/evidence which companies consider to be related to the case


Our competition, anti-dumping, and countervailing duty lawyers of international trade and tax practice at ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam always follow up trade remedy development to update clients on regular basis.



Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 10, 2020

How Foreigners Could Buy Real Estate in Vietnam?

Regulations on foreigners owning real estate in Vietnam are regulated in Civil Code 2015, Law on Land 2013, Law on Housing 2014, Decree no. 99/2015/ND- CP on guidlines the Law on Housing and related documents.


For land, foreign individuals are not eligible to use land assigned or leased by the State, recognized land use rights, received transfer of land use rights. However, a foreign-invested enterprise could be allocated or leased land by the State, recognized land use rights, or received a land use right transfer. Foreign-invested enterprises that are assigned land by the State with the collection of land use levies to execute investment projects on the construction of houses for sale or for sale in combination with lease.

For housing, foreign entities eligible for the homeownership in Vietnam include: foreign entities who invest in project-based housing construction in Vietnam as prescribed in this Law and corresponding regulations of law; foreign-invested enterprises, branches, representative offices of foreign enterprises, foreign-invested funds and branches of foreign banks operating in Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as foreign organization); foreign individuals who are allowed to enter Vietnam.

The foreign entities are eligible for the homeownership in Vietnam if they invest in project-based housing construction in Vietnam as prescribed in this Law and corresponding regulations of law; or buy, rent and purchase, receive, or inherit commercial housing including apartments and separate houses in the project for housing construction, except for areas under management relating to national defense and security as prescribed in regulations of the Government.

Foreign organizations and individuals must have documents proving being the eligible subjects and meeting conditions to own houses in Vietnam. A foreign individual must have an unexpired passport bearing the entry seal of the Vietnam’s immigration authority and not given diplomatic immunity and privileges according to Ordinance on diplomatic immunity and privileges of diplomatic missions, consular offices, and representative authorities of international organizations in Vietnam. Foreign organizations must be subjects of owning houses in Vietnam which have investment registration certificate or a permission issued by a Vietnam’s competent authority for operation in Vietnam which is still unexpired at the time of housing transaction (hereinafter referred to as investment registration certificate).

A foreign entity shall not be granted a Certificate of the house and may only sell or offer it to another entity eligible to own housing in Vietnam in the case being: a foreign organization or individual receives a house as an inheritance or a gift which is located in an area in which foreign entities must not own houses, or the quantity of which exceeds the permissible limits; a foreign organization that does not operate in Vietnam, or a foreign individual who is not permitted to enter Vietnam, receives a house in Vietnam as a gift or an inheritance.

For specific situations, to avoid future dispute in house ownership arisen from the purchase, lease of property, house, land from the state, developer or other seller, or lessor it is important that the client check with property lawyers for eligibility, conditions and other relevant matters.

ANT Lawyers - a Law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or serive request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529

Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 10, 2020

What is the Effective Date of the Contract and the Time of Ownership Transfer?

One of the most common disputes in contract disputes is the dispute on the effective date of the contract. In order to avoid these disputes, parties should refer to the nature of the validity of the contract as well as distinguish the difference between effective date of the contract and the time of ownership transfer. 


Contract dispute law firm in Vietnam

Regarding the effective date, contract shall take effect when contract meets all condition of participants in contract, condition of purpose and contents of contract and condition of form (in case there is regulation). Specifically, participants in contract shall have legal capacity in conformity with such contract and the participation shall base entirely on voluntariy will. For the second condition, the purpose and contents of the contract will not be contrary to the law and social ethics. When there are enough conditions met, a contract legally entered into shall take effect from the time when it is entered into, unless otherwise agreed or otherwise provided by law. From the effective date of the contract, parties shall mutually exercise rights and perform obligations as agreed. A contract may be amended or terminated as agreed by the parties or prescribed by law.


Through definition of the effective date of the contract, basic difference between dealing with breaches of contracts which have taken effect and dealing with breaches of invalid contracts can clearly be seen. In invalid contracts, the general remedy rule is restoring everything to its original state and returning to each other what have received. Dealing with breaches of contracts, which have taken effect, must be based on the terms of contract on how to handle such violations. If the contract does not stipulate, the provisions of law on such violation will be applied. It should be noted that there are many regulations from time to time, so the law must be properly applied.

Specially, a contract violating conditions of form validity shall be invalid, except that a party or the parties have fulfill at least two third of the obligations in the contract. A court, at their request, shall issue a decision on recognition of the validity of such contract. It is understood that the contract takes effect after the Court’s judgments or decisions take effect. After the contract takes effect, regulation of law will be applied to determine time of ownership transfer. Contract which can be recognized as valid does not mean that such contract will naturally take effect at the time of fulfilling two third of the obligations. Recognition of the Court is to force parties to continue to execise the obligations of the contract or resolve later disputes according to valid contract.


Time of ownership transfer normally belongs to stage of contract enforcement, which is after the effective date of the contract. Except for special contracts (such as contracts for gift), whose time of ownership transfer can be a condition of making contract be valid. With respect to other normal contract, time of ownership transfer is not related to validity condition of contract, which does not make the contract be valid or invalid. It should be noted that time of ownership transfer is stipulated differently with respect to different contract, different property and different specific time. According to Vietnam law of transfer of ownership rights by owner, when an owner transfers ownership rights to another person through a contract for sale and purchase, exchange, gift or loan, other contract of ownership transfer or through inheritance, the ownership rights of the owner shall terminate from the time when the ownership rights of the transferee arise.

The law stipulates that the time of establishing ownership rights and other property-related right shall be determined according to Civil Code 2015 and relevant laws. If there is no relevant regulations of law, the agreement of the parties shall be applied. If there is no either relevant regulations of law or agreement of the parties, the time of establishing ownership rights and other property-related rights shall be the time when the property is transferred. The time when the property is transferred is the time when the obligee or his or her legal representative possesses the property. In case where the property which has been not transferred and there are yield or income arise from that property, such yield or income shall belong to the transferor, unless otherwise agreed.


Legal significance of determining time of ownership transfer is to determine who is responsible for the risk and property. According to law, owner shall bear all risks of the property under his or her ownership, unless otherwise agreed or unless otherwise prescribed by laws. The holder of other property-related rights shall bear risks of the property within his or her right scope, unless otherwise agreed with the owner of the property or unless otherwise prescribed by laws.

ANT Lawyers - a Law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or serive request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529

Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam.