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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 7, 2020

TRAV Receiving Review Application of Anti-Dumping Measures for Aluminum Products under AD05

On July 27th, 2020, Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam (TRAV) – Ministry of Industry and Trade notified on receiving the dossier on the first review of anti–dumping measures to some of the aluminum products originated from People’s Republic of China imported into Vietnam.

According to Article 82.1.a Law on foreign management 2014 and Decree No. 10/2018/ND- CP, the interested parties in accordance with Article 74 have the rights to submit the review dossiers with the scope including but not limited to the following contents:

-The product scope subject to anti-dumping measures;
-The anti-dumping margin imposing to some specific foreign enterprises;
-The damage of local industry.

After finishing the reviewing period, based on the investigating result, TRAV will propose Minister of Industry and Trade one of the following options:

-Continue to impose the anti-dumping measure in accordance with the current law; and/or

-Adjust the anti-dumping measure in accordance with the reviewing result; or

-Bring the anti-dumping measure to an end.

The performing of the procedures related to the reviewing period will not affect to the effective anti-dumping measures imposed currently.

The reviewing dossiers must be filed sufficiently and timely to TRAV before 5 p.m on September 28 2020 (Hanoi time).

Within 30 days after receiving the investigation questionnaires, the interested parties must provide written replies to all questions in the questionnaire. In case of necessity or there are written requests for extension with reasonable reasons from the interested parties, the investigating authority may extend the time limit but not more than 30 days.

Please be informed that the time limit for the anti-dumping measures imposition investigation shall be within 12 months from the day on which the decision on investigation is issued, with a possible extension up to 6 months if necessary. Interested parties could authorise law firm in Vietnam with international trade and anti-dumping specialization to respond to authorities in Vietnam.

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 7, 2020

Should I hire a Trademark lawyer to file trademark application?

The answer is (almost always) “yes!”
Of the many reasons to hire a trademark lawyer for a Trademark (TM), here are few...
-The process can be time-consuming - particularly conducting an exhaustive search of existing trademarks and handling any office actions that come back. Experienced trademark and IP lawyers have successfully submitted many trademark applications, so they will be able to efficiently file your application, allowing you to focus your energy on other company matters.

-A comprehensive search of trademarks often must go beyond the USPTO’s (already difficult/confusing to search) Trademark Electronic Search System. This would be extremely difficult to accomplish without an attorney and/or professional search. It is much more cost-effective to hire a lawyer up front, than to hire one to rectify problems when you either get an office action or realize your protection wasn't as robust or complete as you'd understood.

-A trademark lawyer can help you frame your application in the best possible way (by selecting appropriate categories/drafting how it is being used/deciding whether to apply for plain text or logo protection-among many other considerations), making it more likely that your application will be granted on the first try and obtain the maximum possible protection for your company.

-Finally, a trademark or IP lawyer can help you after the process is over to help you craft a long-term IP strategy.

Source: Quora
If you are looking for a high-quality, experienced lawyer to work on trademark issues for your company, you should check out ANT Lawyers to get in touch with some of the best. ANT Lawyers - IP services in Vietnam is supported by a team of experienced patent, trademark, design attorneys with qualification and skills handling full range of legal services relating to intellectual property in Vietnam.  We have specialized in the preparation and registration of patents, trademarks and designs for our clients.
We assist our clients in all steps of the prosecution phase of IP management.

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 7, 2020

Cases Are Rejected When Get Married with Foreign Element in Vietnam

The law of Vietnam prescribed quite detail about the marriage with foreign elements.

The registration of marriage with foreign elements will be rejected in the following cases:

-One or both parties are not old enough to get married under the laws of Vietnam

-The foreign applicant is not old enough to get married under the laws of the country of which he/she is a citizen or permanent resident (for stateless persons)

-The marriage between men and women is not due to a voluntary decision

-There is deception, coercion in the marriage

-One or both parties had husband or wife

-One or both parties had lost their capacity for civil acts

-The parties have the same direct blood line or relative within three generations

-The parties are or have been the adoptive parents and adopted children, father in law and daughter in law, mother in law and son in law, stepfather and his wife’s stepchild, stepmother and her husband’s stepchild

-The parties of the same sex (men marrying men, women marrying women)

-The marriage registration will also be rejected if the results of the interview, and verification showed that the marriage through illegal brokerage; sham marriage that is not intended to build prosperous, equal, progressive, happy and sustainable family; marriage is inconsistent with the fine traditions of the nation; taking advantage of marriage to trafficking of women, sexual abuse against women or for other self-seeking purposes.

ANT Lawyers- Law firm in Vietnam has experience in civil and family matters to advice clients whom are interested for such legal service in Vietnam. We assist our clients in the process of reviewing agreements, procedures and concerned matters in civil and family.

Marriage Involving Foreign Elements in Vietnam

Cross culture marriage in Vietnam is getting more popular due to the further integration of Vietnam into world’s economy and people relocation for better living.
It is understandable that a foreigner who works and lives in Vietnam wishing to register marriage with a Vietnamese or even another foreigner under Vietnam laws.
However, it is challenging for foreigners to be aware of the legal provisions governing the issue of marriage involving foreign elements in Vietnam. The parties involved in the marriage should to go through not so simple administrative procedures, because of the complexity of managing and protecting the legitimate rights of not only Vietnamese citizens, but also foreigners, to be governed under the Law on Civil Status.  It is not unfamiliar when husband and wife agree to sign prenuptial agreement, agreements on personal assets and properties, and agreements to separate assets and properties during the marriage time.
Procedures for Registration of Marriage in Vietnam
According to the current law provisions, the competence to register marriage between a Vietnamese citizen and a foreigner belong to the District People’s Committee where the Vietnamese citizen is residing. In addition to papers relating to declarations and documents that must be prepared, in order to marry a Vietnamese citizen, a foreigner have to submit papers proving their marital status issued by a competent authority of the country which he/she is a citizen. The certificate issued no more than six months, up to the time of application, confirming the current no spouse. In case, foreign law does not provide for the granting of papers certifying the marital status, the papers shall be replaced by the foreign competent bodies certifying that such persons meet all the marriage conditions under the laws of that country. Documents, papers issued by the competent authority of the foreign country must be notarized, legalized and authenticated.
After submitting complete, and valid dossiers and paying the necessary fees, if the marriage conditions are fully met, the chairperson of the District People’s Committee will approve the application. Upon marriage registration, both husband and wife must be present at the head office of the People’s Committee, and both will sign in the marriage certificate.
Foreigner’s Challenges?
To register marriage involving foreign in Vietnam, foreigners must have a marital status documents issued by a foreign competent authority where he/she is a citizen. Depending on the country, the paper proving citizen’s marital status issued to citizens when they apply for marriage registration is different. Most of the difficulties the foreigners encountered are the application for the issuance of papers abroad and at the same time they must carry out administrative procedures for the legalization of that document at the competent authority in Vietnam. Thus, the time required to prepare necessary documents and documents is generally long with strict administrative procedures.
In fact, marriages involving foreign couples encounter procedural difficulties and take a considerable amount time for preparation.
ANT Lawyers have experience in civil and family matters to advice clients whom are interested for such legal service in Vietnam.   We assist our clients in the process of reviewing agreements, procedures and concerned matters in civil and family.

Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 7, 2020

Vietnam Authority Received Request to Investigate Anti-Dumping Case of H-shaped Steel Product from Malaysia

On April 29th, 2020, Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam (TRAV) acknowledged the Dossier on request of investigation to impose the anti-dumping measures to H-shaped steel product originated from Malaysia from the companies representing the domestic industry (Requester).

On July 10th, 2020, TRAV had confirmed the sufficiency of the dossiers according the the laws on trade remedies.

Within 45 days from the date of receiving sufficient and lawful dossier, TRAV will assess dossier to submit Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade for consideration whether to process the investigation.
The assessment’s contents includes:
-Identify the legal representative status of the domestic industry of organizations and individuals who submit dossier in accordance with the Law on Foreign Trade Management;
-Define evidence on the dumping of imported goods that cause or threaten to cause significant losses to a domestic manufacturing industry or substantially prevent the formation of a domestic manufacturing industry.
In order to serve the assessment process, as well as to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise, TRAV recommends that the domestic enterprises manufacturing / trading in the same goods mentioned above provide the following information:
-Enterprise’s information;
-Manufacturing production of H-shaped steel product;
-Enterprise’s opinion on the case (to agree, oppose, have no opinion);
-Any document/evidence which company considers to be related to the case
The due date to provide the above information is before 5p.m August 3rd, 2020.
Competition, anti-dumping, and countervailing duty lawyers of International trade and tax practice at ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam always follow up anti-dumping cases and its development to update clients on regular basis.

Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 7, 2020

What Are Requirements For Sets of photos or Drawings of Industrial Design?

Set of photos or drawings is one the most important documents of the dossier for registration industrial design. According to the laws on intellectual property of Vietnam, what sets of photos or drawings of industrial designs arerequired to satisfy which conditions?
In details, the following conditions are required for the sets of photos or drawings of industrial design:
-Photos or drawings must be clear and well defined; drawings must be presented with unbroken lines; the background of a photo or drawing must be monochrome and contrast with the industrial design; a photo or drawing must show only the product imbued with the industrial design sought to be protected (not accompanied with another product);
-Photos or drawings must show the industrial design on the same scale. The size of the industrial design shown in photos or drawings must neither be smaller than 90 mm x 120 mm nor larger than 190 mm x 277 mm;
-Photos and drawings must show the industrial design viewed in the same direction and in the following order: three-dimensional picture of the industrial design, front, rear, right-side-left-side, top-down and down-top shadows of the industrial design; shown shadows must be frontispieces.
-For an industrial design with symmetrical shadows, its photos or drawings are not required to show more symmetrical shadows, provided that such is clearly stated in the list of photos and drawings in the description;
-For the industrial design of an expandable product (for instance: box, package), shadows of the industrial design may be replaced with photos or drawings of the industrial design in an expandable state.
-Depending on the complexity of an industrial design, more photos or three-dimensional drawings from other angles, cross-sections or magnified pictures of parts, pictures of knocked down components of the product, etc., may be required to clearly show new and distinctive design features of the industrial design sought to be protected.
-For a product that have different usages (for example: a product with cover or foldable), there must be photos or drawings of its industrial design in different states.
-For the industrial design of a part of a complete product, there must be more photos or drawings illustrating the position for fitting or use of such part on the complete set of product.
-For each variation of the industrial design, there must be a set of photos or drawings fully presenting it according to the above conditions.
-For a set of products, there must be three- dimensional pictures of the whole set and a set of photos or drawings of each product in the set according to the above conditions.
If Client needs more information or request for legal advice regarding intellectual property matters, please contact with ANT Lawyers to be assisted.
ANT Lawyers is supported by a team of experienced IP attorneys in Vietnam with qualification and skills handling full range of legal services relating to intellectual property in Vietnam.  We have specialized in the preparation and registration of patents, trademarks and designs for our clients.

Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 7, 2020

The tools allow a business to protect intellectual property

Intellectual property is something you have created. It is not just an idea. It must have a content. It can be material such as a design or immaterial such as a software.

To protect intellectual property in a business, different tools can be used depending on your type of creation. There are two mainly different types of protections : automatic protection and protection you have to apply for.

1 - Two types of automatic protections : Copyright and Design right

For these both protections you don’t to do any application or pay any fee. Copyright and Design right prevent people from using your work without your permission.

Copyright protection encompasses art, photography, web content, films, music…

To inform that your idea is protected you can mark your work with the following :

The copyright symbol : ©
Your name
The year of creation
If your country has signed international agreements, your work can be protected overseas. Usually the protection lasts around 25 years for photographs and 50 years for the other types of work.

Design right:
Design right protects the shape and configuration of your object. To benefit from this right you will have to prove the date of creation. This protection lasts 10 years once it is sold and 15 years from its creation.

2 - Application for protection : Trade marks, patents, registered designs

With the following protections you have the right to take a legal action against someone who uses your creation or invention without your permission.

Trade marks:
Logos, jingles and product names can be protected by Trademarks.The protection lasts 10 years. However it is renewable.

A patent is an effective protection for your invention. However the process is time-consuming and very expensive. For instance your invention can be an artistic work, a playing game or a diagnosis. To benefit from this protection, your invention has to be new.

Registered designs:
By registering your design you protect its appearance, decoration or shape. The protection lasts up to 25 years (you have to renew it every 5 years).

At last, to protect your intellectual property you can also sign an non-disclosure agreement. In the contract you share confidential information that can include intellectual property. The second party is not allowed to disclose this information.

Source: Quora

If you are looking for an experienced IP attorneys in Vietnam to help you with your IP application, you should visit ANT Our attorneys have experience with the IP process and will work closely with you as you apply for your IP. Hope this helps!

Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 7, 2020

Questionnaire on Quantity and Value to Foreign Manufacturers and Exporters

On July 14th, 2020, the Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam (TRAV), Ministry of Industry and Trade issued an investigation questionnaire on quantity and value to foreign producers and exporters in the AD11 case.

Accordingly, TRAV recommends that the related parties who participate in responding the questionnaire, carefully study the guidelines in the questionnaire before responding and submitting.
In order to ensure the best rights and interests, TRAV recommends that all related producers/exporters to participate in full cooperation during the investigation process. The content of the response is one of the important grounds for TRAV to consider and select sample that limits the scope of the investigation. TRAV is entitled to consult with expert or to inspect, verify the authenticity of information and documents provided by related parties or collect additional information and necessary documents to resolve trade remedies case, including foreign onsite investigations.
In the event that TRAV does not receive the timely response or the information provided is inadequate or insufficient as required, TRAV will apply the relevant law provisions regarding the non-cooperation of the related party in trade remedies cases.
The response to the questionnaire must be sent in full, including 01 confidential copy and 01 public copy (hardcopy of the response) and 01 USB containing the full soft copy of the response and attached annexes. The response is considered to be submitted on time when the TRAV receives all hard and soft copies before 5p.m on July 31st, 2020 (Hanoi time).

AD11 refers to the the anti-dumping investigation case under Decision No. 1715/QD-BCT regarding the Investigation of imposing Anti-dumping measure to some High Fructose Corn Sweetener Products with the HS Code of 1702.60.10 and 1702.60.20 from People’s Republic of China and Republic of Korea (Case AD11). Related parties may by themselves or authorize to experienced law firm in Vietnam on international trade to work with Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam to cooperate.
Competition, anti-dumping, and countervailing duty lawyers in Vietnam of International trade and tax practice at ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam always follow up anti-dumping cases and its development to update clients on regular basis.

Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 7, 2020

What Situations Leading to Refusal to Grant of Protection Titles to Patent, Industrial Design, Trademark and Geographical Indication?

When applicant applying for registration of a patent, industrial design, trademark and geographical indication, in some cases, National office of Intellectual Property in Vietnam (NOIP) may refuse to grant their protection titles.

In which cases, the above registration will be refused?
-There are grounds to affirm that the subject matter stated in the application does not fully satisfy the conditions for protection;
-The application satisfies the conditions for the grant of a protection title but does not have the earliest filing date or priority date. In detail, two or more applications for registration are filed by different parties for the same invention, for registration of industrial designs identical with or insignificantly different from each other, for registration of marks identical with or confusingly similar to each other, or for identical or similar goods or services, a protection title may only be granted to the valid application with the earliest priority or filing date amongst applications which satisfy all conditions for the grant of a protection title.
-The application falls into the following case but fail to have the consensus of all applicants: there are two or more applications satisfying all the conditions for the grant of a protection title and having the same earliest priority or filing date, a protection title may only be granted to a single application from such applications with agreement from all applicants. Without such an agreement, all such applications shall be refused the grant of a protection title.
In those above cases, NOIP will conduct the following procedures:
-Notify an intended refusal to grant a protection title, clearly stating the reasons and setting a time-limit for the applicant to make an objection to such intended refusal;
-Notify the refusal to grant a protection title if the applicant makes no objection or makes unjustifiable objection to such intended refusal as mentioned above;
-Grant a protection title and record it in the National Register of Industrial Property if the applicant has made a justifiable objection to the intended refusal as mentioned above.
If the client needs help with handling such complaint, our IP attorneys in Vietnam at ANT Lawyers will be of help.

Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 7, 2020

What are intellectual property rights? How do they affect society?

Intellectual Property is creation of minds. It is a set of Intangibles owned and legally protected by the creator of the innovative Ideas. To promote the Innovations, creativity and its protection, numerous laws are enacted by Government to let the creators secure exclusivity and ownership rights by registering their innovations and unique ideas. Upon obtaining registration, the creator or owner enjoy exclusive right to use, sell, assign their rights, and avail monetary benefit through it, and also to protect the same.

The most used IPR are:
-Geographical Indication
-Industrial Designs namely

All these above mentioned benefits motivates the creation of new ideas and innovations for the betterment of the society as the new ideas leads to competition in market which helps to improve the quality of goods and services. It also allows the owner of IP to quantify their creation in monetary terms and convert their ideas into business, which also leads to employment generation in the society.

Source: Quora

If you are looking for an experienced IP attorneys in Vietnam to help you with your IP application, you should visit ANT Our attorneys have experience with the IP process and will work closely with you as you apply for your IP. Contact ANT Lawyers experts at or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529. Hope this helps!