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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 2, 2020

Temporarily Stop Granting Work Permits to Foreigners Originating from Infected Area Because of Covid-19

An outbreak of acute respiratory infections caused by a new strain of Corona virus (nCoV) was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. Up to now, the disease has spread to many cities in China and more than 20 countries in the world including Vietnam. Facing new complicated movements of the acute respiratory disease epidemic caused by a new strain of Corona virus (Covid-19), on February 2nd, 2020, the Vietnam Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs issued Official Dispatch No. 01/CD-LDTBXH on strengthening measures to prevent and control Covid-19 epidemics through the tighter control of immigration process, including the grant of visa, work permit, temporary residence card for foreigners originating from infected area.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall propose the Employment Department and the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Management Boards of industrial parks, export processing zones and economic zones of localities to temporarily stop granting work permit for foreign workers from epidemic areas during the time when Vietnam declared the disease. This affects the entry into Vietnam of foreign workers who have not yet been granted a work permit under the law. According to Article 10 of the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit, and Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam 2014; Point c Clause 4 Article 1 of the Law on Entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam amended in 2019; Clause 16, Article 1 of the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit, and Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam amended in 2019 foreign workers to be granted LD1, LD2 visas and temporary residence cards of the same type, should be issued with a work permit in Vietnam. In addition, foreign investors in Vietnam are also affected, because the temporarily stoppage of granting of work permits will also affect the application for certification of foreign workers’ eligibility for exemption from work permit for investors, it also affects the foreign investor’s temporary residence card application.
In addition, it is required that enterprises and organizations employing foreign workers to temporarily stop accepting workers from China returning Vietnam after Tet holiday to work and foreign workers moving to endemic areas during the Covid-19 epidemic announcement. In case of having received such, the enterprise must report the list of employees who have just returned to Vietnam from China with the necessary information as required, carry out isolation measures at places of residence and workplaces under the guidance of the health authorities, and at the same time monitor and examine health within 14 days from the date of entry into Vietnam.
Labour lawyers at ANT Lawyers shall closely monitor the changes of labour law to provide client with update.

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 2, 2020

Can a company in same industry with similar name exist?

In short, the answer is yes; however, a seasoned trademark attorney would be the best person to ask regarding your particular situation. That being said, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) routinely rejects trademark registrations based on the “likelihood of confusion” that consumers would face between a prospective trademark and one that is already on file with the USPTO. According to the USPTO, “likelihood of confusion exists between trademarks when the marks are so similar and the goods and/or services for which they are used are so related that consumers would mistakenly believe they come from the same source. Each application is decided on its own facts, and no strict mechanical test exists for determining likelihood of confusion.” Some things to consider regarding “likelihood of confusion”:

Aside from being rejected for having a similar textual composition to an already-existing trademark, a new registration may fail for also sounding alike, looking similar or creating “the same commercial impression in the consuming public’s mind”
The USPTO looks at whether a likelihood of confusion would exist as to the source of the goods and/or services rather than whether the actual goods and/or services are likely to be confused
The USPTO cannot perform pre-application searches or provide advisory opinions regarding registrations (hence the importance of an attorney - see below)
Businesses often seek the assistance of a lawyer to make sure their application gets accepted (which can be a time consuming process) and to avoid any future potential legal liability. For competitive rates on registering your trademark with the help of experienced trademark lawyers.

Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 2, 2020

FDI Is Expected to Flow into Vietnam After the Covid-19 Epidemic

The Covid-19 epidemic is also considered an opportunity for Vietnam to receive faster flows of foreign investment, especially capital flows away from China.
According to the Director of Foreign Investment Department (Ministry of Planning and Investment), a large US corporation is planning to invest a multi-billion-dollar project in Asia. The two locations they considered were China and Vietnam. Given the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic in China, it is likely that they will choose Vietnam. In March, they will make a final decision…
A group of Korean and US investors interested in LNG power projects in Vietnam is probably one of the rare foreign business delegations coming to Vietnam at the time of the outbreak of Covid-19. On February 11th, they went to the Government Office and the Ministry of Planning and Investment to work on this content.

Without hiding ambition, according to representative of Korean investors consortium including Korea Gas Corporation, Southern Korea Electric Company, Hanwha Group… – they want to invest into LNG port and gas power plant projects in Vietnam. Even in addition to the electricity sector, these investors also want to invest in other areas in Vietnam.
The fact that foreign investors still coming to Vietnam at this time proves the attraction of Vietnam. The postponement and cancellation of investment promotion trips of foreign investors is only momentary.
In addition, according to the National Center for Socio-Economic Information and Forecast, the Covid-19 epidemic showed that the world was too dependent on China.
Having similar views, the New York Times also forecast that the flow of foreign investment from China to Vietnam to avoid US taxes could be accelerated by the Covid-19 epidemic.
According to the representative of JETRO Hanoi Office, in order to disperse risks, 122 Japanese enterprises asked by JETRO said that they decided to relocate their production in China and the place to be moved to the top is Vietnam.
Vietnam is at the top of the list, with 42.3% of the 122 businesses mentioned above have chosen. Following Vietnam is Thailand (20.6%), Philippines (18.6%) and Indonesia (16.5%). Japanese enterprises moving away from China not only because of trade war, but also to evade the increasing input costs in this market.
In the international market, it is forecasted that the flow of international investment into China and investment from China to foreign countries will face difficulties in 2020, even possibly sharply decline in the first quarter of 2020. The Covid-19 epidemic, if combined with geopolitical risks, trade war risks… also makes the global political, economic and social environment even more uncertain, promoting defensive psychology, shrinking, thus weakening investment motivation.
This is an opportunity for Vietnam to have policies to attract investors who are intending to narrow production in neighboring countries and invest in Vietnam. Investment promotion units should proactively work with foreign investors who have plans to invest in Vietnam to discuss, orient and unify the preliminary investment procedures.
Besides, in the long term, it is necessary to continue improving the investment and business environment, amending policies and strategies to attract foreign investment.
ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact us to book your time in advance to let us provide our best services.

Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 2, 2020

How Law Regulates Employing People with Disabilities in Vietnam?

Disabled people are those who have one or more body parts or functional impairments which are manifested in the form of disability, which makes it difficult for labor, living and learning. The State sponsors the right to labor and creates jobs for disabled workers, has policies to encourage and give incentives to employers to create jobs and to accept workers with disabilities to work in Vietnam.
The disabled people are inherently disadvantaged compared to other ordinary people, so to compensate for the unfortunate disabled people, the government has established mechanisms and policies for disabled employees and enterprises employing disabled laborers, being regulated in the law as following.
Corporate Income Tax
The company will enjoy corporate income tax exemption for income from goods and services of enterprises with an average number of disabled employees in the year accounts for 30% or more of the total labor of the enterprise.
Financial Support to Improve Work Conditions
Enterprises are provided with financial support to improve working conditions and environment for disabled workers, the support level is based on the proportion of people with stable employment at production and business establishments. The President of the provincial People’s Committee decides the level of funding to support the improvement of working conditions and environment for production and business establishments employing 30% or more of the disabled employees.
Land, Ground, Water Surface Rentals
Enterprises are exempted from land rents, ground and water surface rents for land, ground and water surface in service of production and business activities for production and business establishments employing 70% or more of their disabled employee. Enterprises are entitled to a 50% reduction of land rents, grounds and water surface for production and business activities for production and business establishments employing from 30% to less than 70% of laborers are disabled employees. During the period of exemption or reduction of land rents, premises, water surface, business and production establishments must not convert, transfer, donate, give or lease land use rights, ground and water surface and must not mortgage, pledge, guarantee, contribute capital in, joint venture with land use rights, ground and water surfaces in accordance with the Law on land.
Loan Support
The enterprises which have disabled employees may borrow capital from the national fund for employment when meeting conditions such as: having feasible capital borrowing projects competitions in the locality, in line with business and production lines, attracting more workers to work stably; loan project with certification of the competent agency, organization where the project is implemented; secured loan.
Besides, the enterprises which have disabled employers have to follow a number of requirements.  i) do not distinguish between disabled workers and other workers.  The violation of such would be sanctioned from 3 – 5 million VND; ii) ensure that the labor conditions are suitable for people with disabilities, specific businesses must ensure the labor conditions, labor tools, occupational safety, hygiene and labor appropriate for people with disabilities and regularly take care of their health by organizing periodic health check at least 06 months/time; must consult with the defective labor when deciding on the policy relating to them. The violations of such activities will be fined from 1 – 15 million VND; iii) do not use disabled workers who have reduced labor capacity from 51% or more to overtime, working at night, doing heavy, malicious, dangerous or exposed work with hazardous substances.  In the event of a breach of such regulations, the enterprise will be fined from 1 – 15 million VND; iv) arranged for workers with disabilities who are allowed to take leave for 14 days for disabled workers with full 12 working months.
The above provisions are the basic labour regulations applicable to enterprises employing disabled workers.  While there are benefits, there are also challenges in terms of labour regulations compliance.  Consulting with labour lawyers would be needed to help the employer complying including drafting labour contract, drafting internal labour regulations, terminating the employment relationship to best manage the work force in the most effective ways. From the management point of view, the employers need to understand, and be aware of the policies that the state offers for their business as well as the obligations that the business needs to do for disabled workers to utilize and follow.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 2, 2020

Overview of PCT System for Invention Protection Abroad

PCT System is a tool which helps protecting Inventions abroad and based on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). PCT is international treaty with more than 150 Contracting States. This system makes it possible for patent owner to protect theirs invention simultaneously in a large number of country by filing only one international application instead of national or regional submitting, normally through the support of IP attorney.
However, the patent is granted under the control of national or regional patent offices via national phase. The application when filing by this system is called PCT application. The general PCT procedures includes: filing application; international search; international publication; supplementary international search (optional); international preliminary examination (optional); national phase.

PCT is widely used by individuals and different organizations. Patent owner is entitled to file PCT application if they are a national or resident of a PCT Contracting States. If there are several applicants named in the international application, only one of them needs to comply with this requirement. Also, the PCT application can be filed, in most case, with national patent offices or directly with WIPO if pursuant to national law.
One of the most important matters which applicant notice is the time schedule when filing PCT application. Normally, applicant will have up to 18 months from the time they file their international patent application (or usually 30 months from the filing date of the initial patent application of which they claim priority) before they enter national phase with the separate procedures of each national patent offices. Be noted that you always can ask for an early entry into the national phase without waiting for the expiration of 30 months.
During the time period of PCT process, the PCT application will be gone through an international search which is the main search beside supplementary international search, by International Searching Authorities which may be either a national office or an intergovernmental organization, such as the International Patent Institute, whose tasks include the establishing of documentary search reports on prior art with respect to inventions which are the subject of applications, with the result of an international search report. The report enable applicant to evaluate the chances of obtaining patents in national phase. After that, the application will be published or this step called International publication. WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) publishes the international application shortly after the expiration of 18 months from the priority date together with the international search report on PATENTSCOPE. After the international publication, applicant can also request for a second evaluation of the potential patentability of the invention which is International preliminary examination. This examination allows applicant to amend the international application before entering the national phase. At the end of the procedure, an international preliminary report on patentability will be issued. This report give the opinion on the compliance with the international patentability criteria of each of the claims which have been searched and an even stronger basis on which to evaluate the chances of obtaining patents.
Finally, you may decide to push your application go further when proceeding with national phase. From that time, the procedures would comply with the national where it is elected or designated.
For PCT registration in Vietnam, the patent attorney in Vietnam at ANT Lawyer will be of help for advisory, and filing with National Office of Intellectual Property in Vietnam.

Highlights in the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit, and Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam 2020

Foreigners investing in Vietnam need to travel to Vietnam on investment purpose with the right visa supporting their purpose to comply with the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit, and Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam.
On November 25, 2019, the XIV National Assembly officially passed the Law on Entry, exit, transit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam amended in 2019. This amendment provides many new highlights about the immigration of foreigners.
What are visas suitable for the investors?
Investor visa is divided into 04 categories: DT1, DT2, DT3 and DT4. The classification is based on invested capital and investment industry. For example, DT1 visas are issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with a capital contribution of VND 100 billion or more or investment in preferential industries and trades. Investment and geographical areas eligible for investment incentives are decided by the Government.
How electronic visa can be applied and issued?
Visas issued through electronic transactions are electronic visas. Foreigner and the agency or organization sponsoring for a foreigner has the right to apply for an electronic visa. Immigration authorities shall consider, process and respond to applicants for electronic visas at the e-visa information page within 03 working days from the date of receipt of sufficient information for electronic visa application and visa fee.
How to change visa type caused by change of immigration purpose?
Currently, the visa type corresponding to purpose of immigration of foreigners in Vietnam cannot be changed. In case a foreigner wishes to change visa purposes, he / she must exit Vietnam and apply for a new visa supporting the new purpose making foreigners facing challenges to manage their work, and life and associated costs and time. However, according to the provisions of new the Law on entry, exit, transit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam, there are 03 cases of visa conversion purposes: i) have proof of being an investor or representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam according to the provisions of Vietnamese law; ii) have documents proving that the relationship being father, mother, wife, husband, children with the applicant; iii) being invited or sponsored by an agency or organization or working with an electronic visa, having a work permit in Vietnam or certifying that it is not subject to a work permit as prescribed by the Labor Code. In these cases, the foreigner would be granted a new visa with the symbol and duration suitable to the purpose of conversion.
What are additional visa exemption conditions in Vietnam?
Besides inheriting the previous provisions, the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit, and Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam amended in 2019, adding one more case visa exemption. Foreigners entering coastal economic zones under decisions of the Government and meeting the following conditions: having an international airport; having a separate space; having definite geographical boundaries, separated from the mainland; in accordance with the socio-economic development policy and without prejudice to national defense, national security, social order and safety of Vietnam, visa exemption is required upon entry.
What conditions qualify foreigners for Temporary Residence Card in 2020?
The duration and type of temporary residence cards are granted based on the contributed capital. Accordingly, the duration of temporary residence card DT1 for foreigners investing in Vietnam through direct investment of setting up company, obtaining investment registration certificate, with a capital contribution of 100 billion or more has a term of no more than 10 years. Temporary residence card with the symbol DT2 granted to investors contributing capital from VND 50 billion to less than VND 100 billion has a term of no more than 05 years. Temporary residence card with the symbol DT3 for investors with contributed capital valued from 03 to billion to less than 50 billion dong with duration not exceeding 03 years. And investors using DT4 visas with a capital contribution of less than 03 billion VND are not allowed to be issued temporary residence cards in Vietnam. It is important for foreigners falling under the DT4 category to consult with immigration lawyers in Vietnam to receive advice on proper advice when considering investing less then 03 billion VND.
The Law on entry, exit, transit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam amended in 2019, will be effective from July 1, 2020.

Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 2, 2020

Development of anti-dumping request on PFY originating from China, India, Indonesia and Malaysia

On Nov 07th, 2019, Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam (TRAV), the investigating authority  received dossier of request for investigation of the application ofanti-dumping measures on long-fiber products made from polyester (PFY)originating from China, India, Indonesia and Malaysia from companies representing the domestic industry (Requesting Party).

On Nov 22th, 2019, the investigating authority issued official dispatch No. 1056/PVTM-P1 requesting the Requesting Party to supplement, adjust to clarify some contents of the investigated goods, methods and basis for determining dumping margins and losses of the domestic industry.

On Dec 31st, 2019, the Requesting Party fully submitted all additional information as requested.

On January 09th, 2020, the Requesting Party provided additional documents to clarify additional information on the method of calculation, determination dumping margins.
On January 21th, 2020, Investigating Body confirmed that the dossier is complete, valid in accordance with the law on trade remedies.

According to Law on foreign trade management 2017 and guiding or related documents, next steps of anti-dumping case as follows:
Investigating authority shall examine the Dossier to submit to the Minister of Industry and Trade for consideration whether to conduct or not to conduct an investigation: 45 days from the date of receiving a complete, valid dossier, which means January 21th, 2020. Contents of Dossier examination include: (i) Determine the legal representative status of the domestic industry of organizations, individuals that submit the Dossier; (ii) Determine evidence on the dumping of imported goods that cause or threaten to cause significant injury to a domestic industry or significantly prevent the formation of a domestic industry.

In order to prepare the examination, as well as to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise, the investigation authority suggests that the domestic enterprises producing/trading in the same goods mentioned above provide with the following information: (i) Information about the enterprises; (ii) Design capacity and production of long fiber products made from polyester (PFY) in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019; (iii) The company’s opinion on the case (agree, disagree, no opinion); (iv) Any other documents/evidence that the company thinks it is related to the case. The time limit for providing the above information is before 17:00 on February 14th, 2020 (Hanoi time).

The companies could authorize an international trade law firm in Vietnam that has experience in anti-dumping to assist with the procedures at the state authorities to cooperate.

Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 2, 2020

Anti-dumping Case AD06 Relating to Fiberboard of Wood Products Ended

Requesting Party of Anti-dumping case AD06 comprises of 04 companies representing the domestic industry: (i) VRG Kien Giang MDF Joint Stock Company; (ii) VRG Dongwha MDF Joint Stock Company; (iii) MDF VRG – Quang Tri Wood Joint Stock Company and (iv) Kim Tin MDF Joint Stock Company. Requesting Party accused fiberboard of wood imported from Thailand and Malaysia of having been dumped into Vietnam market with dumping margins from 18,59% to 50,6% and this dumping is the main cause of significant injury to manufacturing of industrial wooden planks of Vietnam.

Products under investigation: some fiberboard of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not assembled with glue or other organic adhesives, uncoated and unwrought, with the HS codes 4411.12.00, 4411.13.00, 4411.14.00, 4411.92.00, 4411.93.00, 4411.94.00 originated from Thailand and Malaysia.
The investigating period: (1) The investigating period to determine dumping activities: from Jan 01st, 2018 to Dec 31st, 2018; (2) The investigating period to determine the damages of the domestic industry: from Jan 01st, 2015 to Dec 31st, 2018.
On Oct 23th, 2018,  Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam (TRAV) received Dossier of request for investigation, application of anti-dumping measures.
TRAV has issued official dispatch No. 963/PVTM-P1 dated Nov 6th, 2018 and official dispatch No. 48/PVTM-P1 dated Jan 16th, 2019, requiring the Requesting Party to supplement the dossier.

On Jan 27th, 2019, Requesting Party fully supplemented the required information.
On Feb 01st, 2019, Investigating authority issued official dispatch No. 105/PVTM-P1 confirming that Dossier is valid, complete and send letter to Royal Thai Embassy and Embassy of Malaysia in Vietnam, informing about the receipt of complete and valid dossier.
On Mar 18th, 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 623/QD-BCT on the extension of the decision of investigation for another 30 days.
On Apr 18th, 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 940/QĐ-BCT on investigation of the application of anti-dumping measures on fiberboard of wood products or other ligneous materials, whether or not assembled with glue or other organic adhesives, uncoated and unwrought, originated from Thailand and Malaysia (case number AD06).

On May 02nd, 2019, Investigation Questionnaire is issued for domestic importers, producers and foreign exporters, producers in AD06 case. The time limit to answer Investigation Questionnaire is 17h00, Jun 10th, 2019 (Hanoi time).
To ensure relevant enterprises’ rights and interests, the Investigation authority asks that all of relevant domestic importers, producers should participate to fully cooperate throughout the investigation of the case. The contents’ Investigation Questionnaire shall be basis for the Investigation Body to consider the conclusion.
On Jan 14th, 2020, Minister of Industry and Trade signed the decision of termination the investigation and no application anti-dumping measures on some fiberboard of wood products (fiberboard of wood MDF) imported from Thailand and Malaysia.
Over 7 months of investigation according to regulations of World Trade Organization, Law on foreign trade management 2017 and other relevant regulations, Ministry of Industry and Trade has examined and carefully evaluated the losses of domestic industry, level of dumping of producers from Thailand and Malaysia, as well as considered and calculated the impact on the industry and consumers of fiberboard of wood products. The results of investigation show that the domestic industry has not been significantly damaged or threatened to be significantly damaged because of imported goods from Thailand and Malaysia.
Therefore, according to regulations of Vietnam law relating to trade remedies and Anti-Dumping Agreement of World Trade Organization, Ministry of Industry and Trade decided not to apply anti-dumping measures on fiberboard of wood products imported from Thailand and Malaysia. Ministry of Industry and Trade will coordinate with the relevant authorities to watch closely the import situation, sign of dumping of foreign producers/exporters as well as operation, production and trading reality of domestic fiberboard of wood industry to recommend the necessary measures according to regulations.
Our international trade and tax lawyers, and antitrust lawyers at ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam have always followed the development of situation and update the clients on relevant matters.

Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 2, 2020

Renew the validity of protection titles to subject matter of industrial property

According to the Law on Intellectual Property in Vietnam, the subject matter of industrial property rights shall comprise inventions, industrial designs, designs of semi-conducting closed circuits, trade secrets, marks, trade names and geographical indications.
Rights to an invention, industrial design, layout design, mark shall be established on the basis of a decision of Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam to grant a protection title in Vietnam or the recognition of international registration pursuant to an international treaty of which Vietnam is a member. The remaining being: (i) rights to trade name shall be established on the basis of lawful use thereof; (ii) rights to a trade secret shall be established on the basis of lawful acquirement of the trade secret and maintaining confidentiality thereof.
How are term and scope of protection of the right to an arising object on the basis of granting of a protection title?
Firstly, protection titles shall be valid throughout the entire territory of Vietnam. This provision means the validity of title is only territorial. It means titiles granted by any country will only take effect within its territory and are not accepted in other countries or other titles granted by Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam will take effect throughout the entire territory of Vietnam.
Secondly, regarding each industrial property object, validity of protection titles are different. Such as validity of the invention patent is 20 years from the grant date but the timeline to calculate until the end of 20 protection years is filing date. Regarding utility solution patent, the validity shall be 10 years and the calculation until the end of 10 years is same as calculation of invention patent. It should be noted that validity of invention patent and utility solution patent may not be extended. However, industrial design patent, certificate of registered mark may be extended. In particular: (i) industrial design patent shall be shall be valid from the grant date until the end of five years after the filing date and may be extended consecutively with each time of 5 years. Therefore, industrial design patent may be extended up to 15 years; (ii) certificate of registered mark shall be valid from the grant date until the end of ten years after the filing date. However, this object has a special feature that it is able to extend repeatedly and consecutively the validity with each time of 10 years. Therefore, this object may be extended validity forever.
Regarding certificate of registered geographical indication, it shall have indefinite validity starting from the grant date because of its characteristic of sign used to identify a product as originating from a specific region, locality, territory or country. Reputation of products bearing a geographical indication shall be determined by graphical conditions, including natural factors (climatic, hydrological, geological, topographical and ecological factors and other natural conditions); Human factors (skills and expertise of producers, and traditional production processes of localities…).
In addition, one of objects having specific validity is certificate of registered design of semi-conducting closed circuits. Certificate shall be valid from the grant date until the earliest date among the following: (i) the end of ten years after the filing date; (ii) the end of ten years after the date the layout design was first commercially exploited anywhere in the world by a persons with the registration right or his or her licensee; (iii) the end of fifteen years after the date of creation of the layout design.
Having said that, when the owner of industrial property object is granted protection title, it should be noted at time of expiration of title to apply for the extension in order to guarantee interests as well as benefits that industrial property objects brings.  The owner could contact IP department of ANT Lawyers and patent, trademark and other IP attorney in Vietnam will be assisting the client to review the matters and provide relevant advice.

Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 2, 2020

Complete 1st Stage of the Information Technology Zone in Danang

On January 6th 2020, the Prime Minister issued Decision no.27/QD-TTg on establishing the information technology zone in Danang – Stage 1, effective from January 6th 2020. Specifically, the Danang information technology (IT) zone – Stage 1 has an area of 131 hectares, located in Hoa Lien commune, Hoa Vang district, Danang city.

The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the ministries, branches, Danang People’s Committee and concerned units in guiding the implementation of the decision; The Ministry of Planning and Investment was assigned to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Information and Communications in, balancing the allocation of investment capital to support investment in and construction of infrastructure of Danang centralized IT Park according to law provisions.
Besides, the People’s Committee of Danang has 5 tasks including approving the organizational structure and operational regulations of the Danang central IT Management Group, then performing the state management function for the investment projects in the centralized IT zone, and prioritizing the allocation of development investment capital from the state budget for investment in infrastructure development connecting to Danang centralized IT Park – phase 1 and non-business social infrastructures in the area. Therefore, developing the plans and synchronously deploy solutions to attract foreign corporations and large domestic enterprises in the fields of IT, electronics and telecommunications to invest in Danang centralized IT Zone and set up company, apply for investment registration certificate. Finally, directing and organizing the levels of local governments and functional agencies of Danang city in cooperation with Danang IT Park development joint stock company to implement the construction, management to IT zone focus on Danang to develop in the fast and sustainable way.
Danang IT Park is entitled to preferential policies for centralized IT zone as stipulated in the Article 22 Decree no.154/2013/ND-CP to attract the investors to invest and set up business in Da Nang IP park, such as: Preferential corporate income tax for 15 years with tax exemption policy for the first 4 years, 5% for the next 9 years, 10% for the next 2 years and tax incentives after 15 years of operation is 20-22%. Moreover, exemption of import tax for imported goods to create fixed assets, raw materials, machinery and equipment that cannot be domestically produced to serve the production of IT products and IT services of enterprises; 50% reduction of payable personal income tax on income from salaries and wages of high-tech human resources working in IT. In addition, site clearance and infrastructure investment in Danang IT Park- stage 1 will be supported by government and local budgets in accordance with the law, master plan on development of centralized information technology zone approved by the Government. The Danang IT Park – stage 1 will also receive investment credit loans at Vietnam Development Bank for investment.
In the future, domestic and international investors need to update the progress when making investment in the IT sector as well as seizing the investment opportunity, to be able to enjoy the best incentives that Danang set for IT sector in the city with aim to develop a green city to attract the investment that need talents in IT.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact us to book your time in advance to let us provide our best services.

Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 2, 2020

Brief Reminder of Time Schedule to Apply PCT Application into Vietnam

According to Vietnam Law on Intellectual property, a PCT applicant who would like to go into Vietnamese phase after the end of PCT procedures need to submit the application within the following duration:
If an international application designates Vietnam, the National Office of Intellectual Property in Vietnam (NOIP) is the designated office. In this case, in order to enter the national phase, the applicant shall submit, within 31 months from the date of priority, to the NOIP the following:
-Written declaration requesting invention registration, made according to a set form;

-Copy of the international application (if the applicant requests the entry into the national phase before the date of publication of the international publication);

-Vietnamese translation of the international application: The description, consisting of a description section, protection request, annotations for drawings and abstract (the published copy or initially filed original application, if the application has not yet been published, and modified copy and explanation of modified contents, if the international application has been modified underArticle 19 of Patent Cooperation Treaty;

-National charges and fees.
If an international application elects Vietnam, the NOIP is the elected office. In this case, if the election of Vietnam is made within 19 months from the date of priority, in order to enter the national phase, the applicant shall submit, within 31 months from the date of priority, to the NOIP the following documents:
-Written declaration request;

-sting invention registration, made according to a set form;

-Vietnamese translation of the international application: The description, consisting of a description section, protection request, annotations for drawings and abstract (the published copy or initially filed original application, if the application has not yet been published, and modified copy and explanation of modified contents, if the international application has been modified under Article 19 and/or Article 34(2)(b) of the Treaty);

-Vietnamese translations of annexes to the international preliminary examination report (when substantive examination of the application is requested);

-National charges and fees.

After having submitted the application, the time  when the processing of an international application designating or electing Vietnam in the national phase starts is the first day of the thirty second month from the date of priority if the applicant files no written request for entry into the national phase earlier than the above time limits. The international application shall be put to formality examination and substantive examination according to the procedures applicable to ordinary invention registration applications.  If the applicant requests in writing earlier examination of his/her application and pay the prescribed charge, the international application shall be examined earlier than the time limit specified above in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 3(2) of the Treaty.
Please be noted that in addition to the cases where an international application is considered withdrawn specified in the Treaty and the Regulation on implementation of the Treaty, an international application designating or electing Vietnam shall be considered withdrawn if the national fees are not paid to the NOIP or there is no Vietnamese translation upon the expiration of the set time limit.
It is important to adhere to the deadline and patent attorney of ANT Lawyers always follow up with the Client to remind on the schedule to follow when submitting for PCT application in Vietnam.