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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 4, 2017

Circular 15/2012/TT-BVHTTDL on the procedure for issuing copyrights assessors card

The submission requests for the assessor’s card could be sent via post mail or at the office of the Department of Copyright – Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
Dossiers includes:
– The required declaration form
– Copy of satisfactory test results for professional appraiser or documents of the Council of acceptable for free of professional assessment test
– A copy of the ID card
– 02 photos 3×4 cm
The time for making decision and issuing card is 15 working days after receiving the complete and valid dossiers; in case of refusal, there must be written notification with reasons.
Copyrights assessors card  takes effect from the date of issuance.
This guidance is regulated in Circular 15/2012/TT-BVHTTDL on the assessment of copyright and related rights, taking effect from February 1st 2013 .

How ANT Lawyers IP Practice Could Help You?

Please click here to learn more about ANT Lawyers IP Practice or contact our Copyright Attorneys in Vietnam for advice via email or call us at +844 32 23 27 71

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 4, 2017

How to Register Industrial Design in Vietnam?

Industrial design is the outward appearance of a product embodied in three-dimensional configuration, lines, colors or a combination of such elements. An impressed appearance shall increase the value of products, the attraction to customers and the distinction from other same products. In fact, however, appearances of products can be copied easily if there no legal protection and prior prevention. Filling industrial design in National Office of Intellectual Property shall guarantee that your product appearance is protected from violation of others.

With highly professional staff and great experience in IP aspect in Vietnam, ANT Lawyers would like to offer you Industrial Design Filing service as follow:
1. ANT Lawyers service in Industry Design
Our services in this area include:
a. Evaluate the possibility of registration and use of Industrial Design;
b. Search for information on the registration and use of Industrial design;
c. File application and proceed with the legal procedures on the registration of Industrial design;
d. Advise and proceed with the legal procedures on the record of assignment of Industrial Design application;
e. Advise and proceed with the legal procedures on the record of amendment of Industrial Design application such as: name and address of the applicant;
f. Advise and proceed with the legal procedures on the amendment of the Industrial Design Certificate on the basis of transferring of ownership, merging companies; record of change of name and address of the Certificate holder;
g. Advise on the renewal of validity of the exclusive Industrial Design Certificate.
h. License and Assignment;
i. Opposition against proceedings;
j. Appeal; cancellation; invalidation;
2. How to file Industrial Design in Vietnam
a. Required documents:
i. Original Power of Attorney from the Applicant(s);
The POA must be signed by an applicant or duly authorized representative on behalf of the Applicant (no further notarization or legalization is required);
The POA is required at the time of filing, please therefore arrange to have and provide us with scan copy via fax or email first and original one can be followed within one [01] month later.
ii. Full name and address of applicant(s);
iii. Full name, address and nationality of designer(s);
iv. Drawing of design;
The drawings of design must show clearly 7 views (separately in jpeg. format is preferable): perspective view, front view, rear view, right view, left view, top view, bottom view, at a same scale; and the minimum resolution is 300DPI.
v. Original certified true copy of priority document (if any);
vi. Salient novelty features description in which showing the using purpose or Lorcano classification of design, if any.
b. Time and procedures
The ID application will be examined by National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam (NOIP) with ID Examination Procedure as below:
i. Formality examination: Under Intellectual Property Law of Vietnam, the above application will be examined as to form within one [01] month as from the filing date or date entering the national phase. If the ID application meets the requirements as to form, the NOIP will issue a decision of formality acceptance and then the application will be further processed.
ii. The Substantive Examination: The above application will be examined as to substance within 12 months.
• Notification of the Substantive Examination Results.
• The Decision of Refusal or Request to pay fee.
• Issuing the ID of Invention
Note: The deadline for filing design application in Vietnam on the basis of claiming priority right under Paris convention is 6 months counted from the earliest priority date;
iii. The total time from filing to registration in straightforward case is 12-14 months. However, in practice, this duration can be extended further 3-6 months;
c. ID Term and Maintenance
registered industrial design is given an initial protection period of 5 years from the date of filing and is extended for two further consecutive terms of 5 years each. The maximum protection period is 15 years.


Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 4, 2017

Opposition Procedures of Trademark in Vietnam

Trademark is the priceless asset of a company because of being used to distinguish goods or services of different organizations or individuals. Many international companies have found that others have registered trademark protection in Vietnam at National Offices of Intellectual Property (NOIP).
Because trademark is protected independently in each nation, it is easy for violators to abuse trademarks of other well known companies for their interests in Vietnam. This could potentially put the real trademark owner’s under challenges when the clients or customers realize the product bearing the trademark they trust do not meet the standard they expected.
In Vietnam, after detecting their infringement registration process, you should submit an opposition notice to NOIP in Vietnam to prevent the violating trademark registration. To ensure your opposition shall be effective, you should enclose evidences and related documents.
With highly professional staff and great experience in IP aspect in Vietnam, ANT Lawyers, a qualified attorney and registered IP agent, could support you in opposition procedure of trademark in Vietnam.
Deadline for filing an opposition to a trademark application in Vietnam
The deadline for filing an opposition to a trademark application in Vietnam is stipulated particularly in the IP Law.
According to IP Law of Vietnam, during examination of trademark applications as from the date when a trademark application is published on the Industrial Property Official Gazette until prior to the date of decision on granting Certificate of trademark registration, an opposition request should be filed to the NOIP. Such request will not be accepted by the NOIP for handling if it is filed after the date of decision on granting trademark registration. However, under our current practice, the applicant could request for an acceleration examination, shorter than provided period of 09 months. Therefore please be noted that possible opposition should be filed as soon as possible.
Pursuant to the IP Law, foreign opponents are not allowed to file opposition request directly at the NOIP but must authorize a lawful IP representative in Vietnam to proceed with such action based on a required original Power of Attorney (POA). Under current practice in Vietnam, a copy of POA may be acceptable for filing opposition and the original one could be filed later. However, the NOIP will not consider the opposition until the original POA is filed and all formality requirements are satisfied.
Trademark opposition Procedure in Vietnam
The opposition request must be in written form and the source of its accompanied supporting materials (if any) must be specified.
A possible opposition will be considered at the time of the trademark application’s examination as to substance.
As a general procedures, within 01 month (in fact, the time can extend to 02-04 months) as from the receiving date of our opposition, the NOIP will consider and then may convey its contents to the Applicant and fix about 01 month for them to present opinions. After receiving response of the Applicant (if they submit), the NOIP will inform and give the Opponent 01 month for filing response, submission of opinions.
In some cases, the NOIP may give conclusion upon consideration of opposition without conveying its contents to the Applicant if they think that it is clear enough to conclude. It is possible for the NOIP to organize conversation between the Opponent and the Applicant, upon request of the two parties, to clarify the matter (if necessary).
Upon considering the evidences submitted by the two parties, the NOIP will make a decision to accept opposition or not.

Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 4, 2017

Recordal of Trademark Assignment in Vietnam

Assignment of a trademark right means the transfer of ownership right by owner of such trademark right to another organization or individual.
Trademark Assignment in Vietnam be established in the form of written agreement. Oral agreements, letters or telegrams shall not be accepted and have no legal effect.

Required documents
You are required to provide us the following documents:
  • One executed original of Deed of Assignment, which must be signed and sealed by both Assignor and Assignee. Since the Deed of Assignment has two pages, both Assignor and Assignee should sign on each page or use company stamp to inter-cross seal over all pages (NO      further notarization or legalization is required);
  • A Power of Attorney (POA) that should only be signed by the Representative of Assignee; 
  • The relevant original Certificate of Trademark Registration (if recording the assignment for a registered one).
Procedures and time
After the recordal of assignment is completed, the NOIP will issue the following documents:
  • The Notice of Assignment Recordal in case of a pending Trademark Application.
  • The Certificate for Registration of Deed of Assignment in case ofTrademark Registration. In addition, the name and address of new owner will be endorsed on the last page of this Certificate of Trademark Registration.
The whole duration for recordal of assignment will in straightforward case is 2 months counted from the filing date. However, in practice, this duration can be extended from 3-6 months.
Other matters
Under Vietnam Intellectual Property Law, the trademark assignment will not be approved in the following cases:
• The subject mark for assignment identical/confusingly similar to the trade name of assignor as it shall cause the confusion as to the origin of goods or services with those of assignor. 
• The subject mark for assignment similar or identical to other trademarks but not for assignment of Assignor in respect of similar goods or services as it shall cause the confusion as to the origin of goods or services with the rest of assignor.

Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 4, 2017

Cancellation Against of Trademark in Vietnam

Trademark is the priceless asset with your company because of being used to distinguish goods or services of different organizations or individuals.
It usually takes a long time and attempts for your company to gain the trust and belief from customers on your goods and trademark. However, if there is any other same trademark of the same goods like yours, it will easily make customer mistake or confuse and lead many damages to your company such as distinguishing capacity, losing reputation and sale decline.
In fact, many international companies after co-operating with domestic companies to distribute or sell good, find that co-operators steal their trademark by registered trademark protection in National offices intellectual property. Because trademark is protected independently in each nation, it is easy for violators to do steal trademarks.
To protect your rights and benefits, you should request Vietnam IP authority to cancel violated trademark. With highly professional staff and great experience in IP aspect in Vietnam, ANT Lawyers would like to support you in cancelling against of trademark in Vietnam as follows:
Cancellation against of trademark in Vietnam
Under the Article 96 of the Law on Intellectual Property of Vietnam (IP Law), a certificate of trademark registration may be cancelled wholly or partly, by any third party’s request.
The applicant may request to the National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) in written form to cancel protection titles in the cases specified provided that they pay fees and charges.
Period for filling cancellation request
To request cancellation of a trademark due to the Applicant’s bad faith: the period for lodging such a request is the whole term of a Protection Title.
To request cancellation of a trademark due to other legal reasons: the period for lodging such a request is within 5 years as from the granting date.
The case for cancellation
A certificate of trademark registration may be cancelled wholly or partly, by any third party’s request, in the following cases:
The registration applicant has neither had nor been assigned the right to register an invention, industrial design, layout-design or mark;
The subject matter of industrial property fails to satisfy the protection conditions at the time the protection title is granted.
Required documents
Proofs (if any);
Power of attorney;
Written justification of the reason for request (clearly stating the serial number of the protection title, reason, legal grounds, contents of the request for termination or Cancellation of part of or the entire protection title) and relevant documents.
Time and procedures
In case a request for cancellation of trademark protection title is made by a third party, the NOIP shall notify in writing the third party’s opinions to the protection title holder, setting a time limit of two months from the date of notification for the trademark protection title holder to respond.
After considering opinions of the parties, the NOIP shall issue a decision on cancellation of part of the entire protection title or notify its refusal to cancellation the trademark protection title.
If disagreeing with the NOIP’s decision on handling of the request for Cancellation of the trademark protection title, the requester or an involved party may lodge a complaint about that decision or the relevant notice.
A decision on cancellation of a trademark protection title shall be published in the Industrial Property Official Gazette and recorded in the National Register of Industrial Property within two months from the date of its signing.

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 4, 2017

Shipping and maritime in Vietnam

Shipping andmaritime law firm in Vietnam may represent and defend the interests of commercial ship owners and charters involving the total spectrum of maritime casualties, accidents and disputes which may arise in reference to commercial ocean shipping.
Additionally shipping and maritime lawyers of law firm in Vietnam are frequently appointed by a broad vary of domestic and international marine insurance corporations directly or through our international partner law firms in UK, US and Australia to represent and defend the interests of their insureds in reference to casualties involving each commercial and recreational vessels.
When legal proceeding arises from a maritime casualty or dispute shipping and maritimelawyers in Vietnam commit the total range of the firm’s resources and therefore the intensive litigation expertise of our attorneys to attain the most effective potential outcome for the client. The attorneys additionally counsel ship owners, charters, marine insurers and clients on risk avoidance, regulative necessities and strategic legal solutions.
An overview of the a number of the kinds of maritime claims, casualties and transactions that admiralty and maritime lawyers regularly handle are as following:
  • International Sales and Purchase of Ships (bulk, container) under Vietnamese or foreign flags including negotiation, MOA, validating legal documents on ownership, sales decision, registration, sales closing and ship delivery;
  • Casualty Defense, Investigation and Litigation
    • Collisions
    • Cargo damage
    • Personal injury and death (seamen, longshoremen and passengers)
    • Property damage
    • Product liability
    • Shipowner’s limitation of liability
  • Marine Liability Insurance
  • Disputes
    • Bills of Lading
    • Charter party disputes
    • Vessel mortgage foreclosure
    • Ship arrests
    • Ship collisions
    • Cargo claims
    • Cargo detention or seizure by Vietnam Authority
    • Dispute on outstanding payment
  • General Average and Salvage Claims
  • Vessel Regulatory Matters
    • Regulatory compliance
    • Civil fines and penalties
    • Security issues
  • Maritime Contracts
    • Contracts of affreightment, bills of lading and charter parties
    • Drafting and advice
  • Recreational Boating
    • Injuries and Property Damage
    • Product Liability
    • Sales and documentation
    • Subrogation
ANT Lawyers has law been partnering with a number of foreign law firms in advising clients in shipping and maritime in Vietnam.

Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 4, 2017

How Patent Attorney in Vietnam Could Help?

At ANT Lawyers, we provide Patent attorneys in Vietnamwith specialized qualifications necessary for representing clients in obtaining patents and acting in all matters and procedures relating to patent law and practice in Vietnam.
The inventors may obtain a patent in Vietnam without the assistance of a patent lawyer if they wish. However, this is almost full of risks. Ignoring the complexity of filing the registration application, the primary concern is whether an inexperienced inventor can write an application which satisfies rules as the requirement of Vietnam Intellectual Property law.
It can be said that Vietnam intellectual property law and procedure on patent registration are complex. That’s why valuable legal rights can easily be lost if the patent application and prosecution of that application are not handled carefully and precisely by one skilled in such matters. Companies that file lots of patent applications use patent attorneys for a reason that you almost certainly will get a better patent if it is done by a patent attorney.
If the inventor does not work with a patent attorney, some of dangers may occur in registering patent in Vietnam as following:
  • Failure in providing enough file for patent registration;
  • Making inaccurate statement such as incorrect description;
  • Wasting time because the documents is not valid;
  • Loss of patent right because of other patents;
  • Loss of capability on exploiting economic from patent right;
With the above – mentioned risks, patent registration in Vietnam with the assistance of the patent attorney seem to be an effective way to ensure the client’s right.  The patent attorney in Vietnam may help clients obtain patent quickly. The inventor also save time to focus on their core specialization if they use patent filing service.
The patent attorney assist clients as following:
  • Advise about the procedure for registration prior submitting application;
  • Compile all forms related to patent registration procedure;
  • Prepare for registration dossier and conduct the registration;
  • Subscribe to the application already filed and report to clients on the status of the application;
  • Inform, advise and handle mission or refusal of Patent Agency;
  • Get Patent and hand over to clients after receiving patent from patent Agency;
  • Consult clients about the use of the invention, rights and obligations related to invention after successful registration.
All things become easy, convenient and safe if you get the assistance from a patent attorney in patentregistration.

Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 4, 2017

Register copyright in Vietnam

Copyright is violated on a regular basis in the music, publishing and software industries. ANT Lawyers IP practice offers client in protecting and enforcing copyrights and similar intellectual property rights as following:
  • Advise legal matters of copyright and related rights in Vietnam and abroad;
  • Conduct searches and provide information on copyright and related rights, advice measures to protect copyright and related rights in Vietnam and abroad;
  • Complete the applications and file to register copyright and related rights;
  • Enforce the copyright and related rights, including investigation, supervision, negotiation, mediation, lawsuit initiation to handle infringement in Vietnam and oversea.
Learn more about ANT Lawyers IP practice, experience and team members here;
For advice and specific details in each case, please contact us directly at or call  +84 912 817 823.
Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam.

Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 4, 2017

Register invention in Vietnam

Under Intellectual Property Law of Vietnam, invention is a technical solution which must be of worldwide novelty, involves inventive steps and is applicable in various social and economic fields.
The subject of invention and utility solution may be a device, process, substance, microorganisms, cell culture, and use thereof in accordance with a new function. Subject shall not be protected as inventions include: plant or animal varieties; method for prevention, diagnosis or treatment of diseases in human being, animals or plants; topographical design of integrated circuits; computer programs.
ANT Lawyers IP practice provides clients patent services as following:
  • Advise legal matters and the patent-ability of inventions and utility solutions in Vietnam and in abroad;
  • Conduct patent searches and provide information on invention or utility solution, advice measures to protect patent or utility solution in Vietnam and abroad;
  • Complete the applications (including translating, writing patent description, preparing illustrative drawings of patent) and file to register invention license or utility solution;
  • Enforce the invention or utility solution rights, including investigation, supervision, negotiation, mediation, lawsuit initiation to handle infringement in Vietnam and oversea.
  • Advise matters related to maintenance, payment of maintenance fee; recording of all changes of patent application/registrations;
  • Draft, evaluate, register usage or ownership transfer of contracts on invention or utility solution;
Learn more about our ANT Lawyers Intellectual Property practice, its experience, and team members here.
Please contact our trademark attorneys in Vietnam for advice via email or call us at +84 912 817 823.
Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam.